AP Research - Spanish Immersion and Friendship Diversity in High School Form
Hello! I am conducting a research project for my AP research class and am interested in learning about the impacts -- if any -- on hispanics student's high school friendships based on if they did or did not take spanish immersion in elementary school. Your participation will require approximately 5 minutes of your time. There are no known risks or causes of mental distress by taking this survey. Taking part of this survey is completely voluntary and if you choose to be in this study, you may withdraw at any time. If you have any questions contact showles-banerji@pausd.org. I
DISCLAIMER: Your participation is voluntary, and all responses will remain confidential. You may skip any question you do not wish to answer. By recording a response, you have consented to partaking in this stud Any report of this survey that is made available to the public - if any - will not include your name or any other identifying information. 
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Which applies to you?
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Do you identify as Hispanic or Latinx? 
What grade are you in? 
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Did you take spanish immersion in elementary school? 
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If no, then did you take another language program? (e.g english immersion or dual-language) 
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Do you feel like spanish immersion accurately and authentically represent hispanic/ latinx culture? 
Not at all accurate
Extremely accurate
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Do you have friendships with individuals that share a similar or different background? 
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How important is it for you to connect with people from a similar cultural background? 
Extremely important
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How would you describe the diversity (culture + ethnicity) of your friends? 
Do you feel that your friend group is more diverse than those of your peers who did not participate in spanish immersion? 
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Do you feel like spanish immersion helped you make friends from a different cultural background? 
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Do you feel like spanish immersion influced how you approach friendships today? 
If yes, how so?
Would you be willing to participate in a follow-up interview? These interviews will involve an informal conversation where you would be able to share more in depth details about your experience/ perspective on spanish immersion and friendships. 
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If yes, put your contact information below. 
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