SPC Community Meeting RSVP
On Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30pm we will be holding a community meeting in the studio to begin discussing the current challenges and some options we have been considering for the future of Spudnik. A large portion of the meeting will be dedicated to answering questions and collectively imagining how we move forward together. This meeting is open to all who are or have felt like a part of the Spudnik community, not just those who are current members of the Press.

If you have initial concerns or questions you would like answered during the meeting or beforehand, please direct them toward
comments@spudnikpress.org. Please refrain from sending messages via Instagram or other modes, these channels go to staff members and we do not want this situation to put more work on their desks. The Board of Directors will respond as quickly as possible to all inquiries.

As a reminder, masks are still required in the studio.
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