Prescription Drug Affordability Board Candidate Statement of Support
Please read each statement below and indicate whether you agree with it. If you do, we will then let the voters of Minnesota know that you support this life-saving proposal.
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I that agree across race, age, and geography every Minnesotan deserves access to the prescription drugs they need to stay alive and healthy.  *
I agree that skyrocketing prescription drug costs are making life-saving medicine inaccessible to our families and neighbors, and one in five Minnesotans have foregone prescription drugs due to concerns about costs. (Health Care Value Hub, 2021) *
I agree that Minnesotans are often unable to afford the medicine they need and can be forced to choose between their treatment and other necessities, such as rent and groceries. *
I agree that our government is responsible for enacting laws to address prescription drug affordability and has the tools to do so, and that Minnesota should lead the nation on this life-and-death issue that affects all of us. *
I agree that pharmaceutical corporations have been allowed to price-gouge life-saving medicine like insulin, cancer treatment, and many other prescription drugs including those developed with public tax dollars.
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I support state legislation to establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Board as a key way to address price-gouging of prescription drugs, making them more affordable for Minnesotans. *
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