Emotions - 6th A & B
You will watch a video about Feelings & Emotions. Then you will do the exercise (Miramos el video en el link y hacemos el ejercicio):
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INSIDE OUT (INTENSA-MENTE) is a Pixar movie. Look at the characters:
What about you? How do you feel today? Choose a word/ an expression (Completa la oración con una palabra o expresión del cuadro de abajo):
Today I am .. *
Now watch the video and do the exercise (Miramos el video y hacemos el ejercicio). Click on the link below/ Cliquear en el vínculo abajo:
1. When she is happy, she likes ... *
1 Punkt
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2. She is sad because ... *
1 Punkt
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3. Her house of cards is ruined so she is ... *
1 Punkt
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4. She is disgusted because ... *
1 Punkt
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5. There is a spider so she is ... *
1 Punkt
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