Public Comments for 5/14/2024 SJUSD Board Meeting
Regarding public comments for the Snowline JUSD Board Meeting: The Board President or Chairperson will invite citizens to speak on only the items listed on the agenda.  In the interest of fairness and efficiency, citizens will be asked to give their name and indicate the item they wish to address.    Any individual who has requested to speak to any item on the agenda may be granted three minutes to make a presentation, with the total time devoted to presentations not exceeding fifteen minutes. Any individual who has requested to speak to an item not on the agenda may be granted three minutes to make a presentation to the board, with the total time devoted to presentations not exceeding fifteen minutes.

The Board President may, with Board consent, increase or decrease the time allowed for public presentation, depending on the topic and the number of speakers for or against a particular issue.  The Board president may rule on the appropriateness of a topic.  If the topic would be more suitably addressed at a later time, the President may indicate the time and place when it should be presented.

The Board shall not prohibit public criticism of its policies, procedures, programs, services, acts or omissions.  In addition, the Board may not prohibit public criticism of district employees.
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