Bouquet Recreations
I offer bouquet recreations for those that didn’t get their special flowers preserved, whether they are wedding flowers, memorial flowers, etc.
You send me a picture of your flowers, and I work to recreate the bouquet and then I press them to create an art piece for you!

The cost is dependent on how much the flowers cost to get from the florist. As well as what frame size you decide. After the form is completed I will email you further details about pricing, and a timeline to expect for your recreation! Thank you so much for inquiring with me!
Чтобы сохранить изменения, войдите в аккаунт Google. Подробнее…
Name *
Email *
Instagram handle, let’s connect!
What size frame are you interested in? *
Please email a picture of the bouquet you’d like to recreate to
(You don't have to put anything in this answer box)
Any other questions, details, or preferences you'd like to share.
Thank You! I look forward to discussing your preservation with you!
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