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In lieu of a "fee" for the EPL 2023 series, would you be interested in providing no less than 50 (non sequential) photos both on field and operations, players, pits, team photos in a Google Photos gallery for the EPL to host on their Facebook Page and Instagram account **We would encourage photos to be watermarked with your logo and photo credit would be given for any social media post usage. *
Your first and last name *
Your business and personal email contact *
Phone Number (Optional)
City / State *
Field or Team affiliations / League Affiliations *
What Social Media Accounts are your currently operating under your photography business? (Click all that apply)
What hosting services are you currently using?
O copie a răspunsurilor tale va fi trimisă prin e-mail la adresa pe care ai indicat-o.
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Eastern Paintball League. Raportează un abuz