Trans Life Anthology Submission Request
We are compiling a collection of stories* (ongoing) to provide a glimpse inside the daily lives of transgender individuals. The project will be the stories of trans people told by trans people, from the mundane (finding nongendered menstruation products in your local store) to the sensational (being the first trans individual at your school/office/etc)... small stories, big stories, and everything in between. This can be an experience that brought you joy, that brought sadness, that evoked anger or frustration, or just an ordinary snapshot of an average moment in your daily life. 

   The mission of our project is to provide an opportunity for readers to experience empathy and connect with  our shared humanity by reading personal accounts of the individuals who are increasingly being stereotyped, villainized, and politicized in current legislation in the United States, including youth* (and their families) affected by these political campaigns. 

Some of these stories (with permission) will also be submitted in press releases to local and national news organizations to further the reach of readership.  

* We will be accepting stories from minors (under 18 in the US) only if every name in the story is changed, including that of adults. This is to provide liability protection to the umbrella organization sponsoring the project, Transgender Assistance Program of Virginia ( and all the volunteers involved as well as protecting the subjects of the story.

We are collecting email addresses to allow you to receive a copy of your submission and to communicate with you about your submission. We NEVER publish, share, or sell your email address, ever. We are committed to complete anonymity for those under 18 and all those who request it. 
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Email *
First and Last Name (use pseudonym here if anonymity is desired): *
Your pronouns?
Phone Number (optional unless an interview is required- again, this information will never be published, shared, or sold)
Are you submitting... *
Tell us a little about yourself. 
Where are you from? 
What kind of piece would you like to submit to our project?
Include a brief synopsis of your story here (or if you have a finished piece, you can submit it here). 
If you aren't comfortable writing your own story and would like to be interviewed, let us know here. We will be conducting 2-4 [phone] interviews per month, but we will stay in contact if we have a waiting list and we'd like your story to be on it!
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