Miss Angeles and Miss Elizabeth's class, Week 15
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Watch this video of this week's Mass readings and then answer the question.
1. In this video they explain what love is and what it is not. Tell me 2 of them (2 love is, and 2 love is not). *
2. Everything will pass away, until only faith, hope and love are left. What is the greatest of these? *
Watch this video and then answer the questions. Your answers should reflect what you learned from Fr. Casey in this video.
God is a perfect relationship (between God, the Father, God the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit) of selfless ... *
3. We believe in a God that is distinctly three and yet ...,   *
4. perfectly ... and yet ... *
5. What did you learn from Fr. Casey about the Trinity (God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit)? *
6. God didn't need to create us but He created us out of ..., to be ..., and to .... in return. *
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