Workshop on Gender Impact Assesmentent (04/03/2024)-  LVIN-C PROJECT
Gender mainstreaming as a tool for carrying out public policies that transform gender roles. We will reflect on the apparent gender neutrality of public policies and the relevance of each and every one of our actions, with one objective, to measure the impact of gender and one goal, to transform roles to promote a fairer and more egalitarian society.
During the session we will provide tips for detecting gender relevance, indicators, methodology and, above all, guidelines for analysing any programme, project or action with a gender perspective, as well as a practical case study.


María García Sánchez

Lawyer, equality consultant and activist. For more than 25 years I have been working with public administrations and private companies to incorporate the gender and non-discrimination perspective as a value proposition beyond regulatory compliance. I combine my teaching and dissemination work with technical assistance to different projects that have equal opportunities as a common backbone. If I had to choose a phrase that sums up my professional career, it would be EQUALITY IS NEITHER CREATED NOR DESTROYED, IT TRANSFORMS AND TRANSFORMS YOU.

LVIN-C International Conference. Funded by CERV-2022-CITIZENS-TOWN: CERV-2022-TOWN-TT22-TOWN-NT) 

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