Senior Questionnaire
We will be having a senior walk. It will be probably be at the new court house steps and if it rains it will be at M.D. Williams.  We will have a meal for the ones who want to attend and we will have gift bags for all of you, but we need information from you, so we can determine how many copies of the senior slide show to make for you and how many meals to prepare and how many gifts to buy.  The meal will be at Rendezvous at from 5 to 6:30 and the senior walk will begin at 7 then the parents are putting on a dance at the Rendezvous from 8 to ???
Sähköposti *
Will you be attending the senior walk? *
Will you attend the meal? It will be seniors only no dates. *
What is your tshirt size? *
Will you be sending pictures for slideshow? *
Vastaustesi kopio lähetetään antamaasi osoitteeseen sähköpostitse
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