Call for Presentations: Notre Dame Trustworthy AI Lab for Education Summit (ND-TALES) Research Presentation/Lightning Talk Session

The Submission of Research Presentation/Lightning Talk: 

The submission can be under one of the following tracks: 

  • Lightning Talk: 5-minute lightning talks to present your works in progress (tentative or preliminary work), new and untested ideas (ideas for possible work), or opportunities for collaborative work. 
  • Research Presentation: 15-minute research presentations to share the results of your latest empirical research, showcase innovative tools and technologies, and discuss lessons learned from deployments and educational practices related to AI in education. 

For both tracks, submissions should include information about the presenter, a title, and an abstract (maximum 300 words). We welcome submissions on both new, unpublished work or work that has been previously published/presented.

Event Details: 

  • Date: December 1st, 2023, Friday 
  • Time: 1:30 - 2:30 PM 
  • Location: McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame 

Timeline of Key Dates: 

  • November 10th, 2023: Abstract submission deadline. 
  • November 14th, 2023: Notification of acceptance. 
  • December 1st, 2023: Conference. 

Research Presentation Session Co-Chairs: 

  • Toby Li: 
  • Xiangliang Zhang:

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Affiliation: University/Organization/Company *
What type of participant are you? *
What track are you proposing a talk under? *
Title of the talk *
Abstract (Max 300 words): Please provide a concise overview of your talk's content, objectives, and relevance to the theme of trustworthy AI in education. *
Name of primary presenter *
Name(s) of co-presenters, if any
Consent to publish and share *
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Additional notes/comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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