Welcome to the Rainbow Chorus! We hope this will be a space for people to find friends, have fun, and inspire others through music. 
  • No dues are required, but you need to print your own music.
  • The schedule is always posted on our Instagram page
  • Anyone can be a part of this choir. UVU students, alumni, and anyone else who is interested is able to participate. This includes non-LGBTQ+ people! Queerphobia, however, is not welcome. 
To sign up for emails about the choir, fill out this form!
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What is your name? *
What are your preferred pronouns?
What is your phone number?
What is your email address? *
What is your voice part? (if you are unsure, make your best guess) *
What is your favorite song you've sung with a choir or want to sing with a choir?
Would a concert attire requirement be an obstacle for you? (All black, formal/semi-formal clothing) *
Is there anything we can do to help create a safe space for you?
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