Wedding Liturgy Planning Form
Selection form for wedding liturgy, including readings, for the Priest/Deacon and Wedding Coordinator
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Email *
Groom Name
Bride Name
How do you each want to be addressed during the vows and other parts of the ritual, if other than your given name above (for example: Kathleen or Katie, Chris or Christopher)
Date of Celebration
Celebrating wedding within a Mass?
Old Testament Reading (Choose One)
First Name of Reader One (OT)
New Testament Reading (Choose One)
First Name of Reader Two (NT)
Gospel Reading (Choose One)
Mass Only - Will you have someone bring up gifts?
Prayers of the Faithful (Petitions)
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Name of person Reading Petitions (if not priest/presider, can repeat previous reader)
How would you like to be introduced at the end of the ceremony? (examples: Mr. & Mrs. Adam Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Adam & Eve Thompson)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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