Polish Language Courses - Test Your Polish
Dear Listener,

Thank you for choosing the European Academy of Diplomacy, and our Polish Language Courses. Before you will start your journey with "Ę", "Ą", "Ć", "Ż" we would like to kindly ask you to fill in the test to check the level of your Polish language skills.

For the questions below, please choose the best option (only one answer is correct) to complete the sentence or conversation.

After filling in the test, please contact us with your result, and we will reccomend you a level accordingly. 

If you have any questions, please contact our Polish Language Course Coordinator, Mr. Szymon Król, skrol@diplomats.pl

Best regards,
EAD team
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1. Ona ……………….. na imię Anna. *
1 punt
2. - Jestem Anna, a ty? - Adam. ……………….. *
1 punt
3. - Jak oni się ………………..? - Kowalscy. *
1 punt
4. - ……………….. to jest lampa? - Tak, to jest lampa. *
1 punt
5. Ile to jest 5+5? *
1 punt
6. Chciałabym ……………….. ……………….. *
1 punt
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