March 6 & 13 Small Cafe Workshop 
Come join us for a 2-day workshop focusing on Small Cafe Workshop for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to start a cafe or has an existing retail shop aiming to expand their menu and offerings. It will cover tips and a crash course in selling pastries, gelato, coffee and marketing your business, as well as sharing our suggested must-have equipment and ingredients to start with limited space and storage.  The goal is to make your journey in starting a business a breeze with the overwhelming options in the market. 

March 6 Wednesday : Coffee & Pastries 

March 13  Wednesday: Gelato and Marketing your Business (new schedule moved from March 20 to March 13) 

Registration Fee: P3,000 inclusive of lunch for 2 days 

Location: Fabtech - Paseo de Magallanes, Makati 

Time: 9 AM - 5 PM 

The Teachers

Leti Moreau | an award-winning pastry chef who began her career at Les Compagnon de Devoir et du Tour de France. She practiced her passion and made her mark for pastry arts in several cities around the globe, and now finds herself in Manila where she works as a culinary director and consultant.

Karthik Swaminathan | in partnership with premium Italian ingredient company MEC3, we will be flying in Chef Karthik who is a product specialist for 16 years and a world-travelling gelato instructor with background in pastry and chocolate.

Matteo Zini | it took him tasting countless scoops of authentic Italian gelati, an economics degree, studying at a renowned gelato school “GelAteneo” to become an entrepreneur. He co-founded his first gelato shop in Bologna in 2013, and in 2014 opened his first “La Macelleria Gelateria” in Brisbane. Today, it has four different locations and a reputation as one of the best gelato parlours in Australia.

Rocky Alli CEO of Pino Design Studio | As a team of Filipino creatives, we embody the spirit of pino in every dimension of our work, from our creative process to our people. Guided by a kaleidoscope of perspectives, unified direction, and open collaboration, we aim to create the good design that Filipinos deserve.

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