05932RDL2426P1A Counselling Skills Level 3 Enrolment Form 2024/25
We are delighted you are ready to enrol on one of our courses.

Please add your details to complete the enrolment process and click submit when you are finished.

If you live in our funding postcode areas these courses are free for you. However, it would help us with our funding to know whether you are eligible for a level 2 (see here) or a level 3 (or here) fee remission.
If so, we would require you to email evidence to the college at enrolments@shipley.ac.uk   

You are also required to complete a short English Assessment here

Once we have received your enrolment form, evidence (if required) and English assessment, we will aim to enrol you ready to start the following Monday. On that day, the Online Learning Coordinator will send you details of how to get started on your course, so that you can then work at your own pace.

Please note this course is aimed 

Should you fail to complete by the expected end date above, or you withdraw from your training after 6 weeks from the start date above, you may be invoiced for £125 to cover the College's administration costs.

For more information on how we process your personal data please click on the link below to access the learner privacy notice.  


We will be in touch as soon as we have processed your enrolment and we look forward to welcoming you to the college..
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