UROP Application @ MIT CSAIL Arch-Sec Lab
Thanks for your interest in research opportunities at Arch-Sec lab led by Prof. Mengjia Yan. We are looking for highly motivated students to work on hardware security research problems.

This application form is for MIT undergrad students interested in UROP or SuperUROP positions. If you are applying for MEng or PhD positions, please directly send an email to Prof. Yan (mengjia@csail.mit.edu) with your CV and an optional statement to describe your past research highlights.

We will review each of the applications carefully and will contact you for an interview if you are a good match potentially. Any information submitted shall only be used solely for this purpose by our internal team.

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Email *
Name *
Anticipated Start Semester *
Example: Fall 2021
Resume/CV *
Please use PDF format. Please upload your file to an online storage service (e.g., GDrive, DropBox, etc.) and paste the downloadable link here for us to download.
Grade for 6.004 Computation Structures or equivalence *
Our group works on computer architecture and hardware security. We expect UROP students to understand the basic computer architecture concepts. If you have not taken 6.004, but have taken other courses that cover similar content (e.g., via online courses), please specify the course name and a link to that course.

If you did well in the design project, also provide a short description of what you have accomplished there.
Check the courses below that you have taken at MIT. *
It is a plus if you have taken some of these courses. These courses are not pre-requisites for doing a UROP in our group.
Transcript *
Please use PDF format. Please upload your file to an online storage service (e.g., GDrive, DropBox, etc.) and paste the downloadable link here for us to download.
Technical experience/skills related to hardware security. *
You can describe a project, such as a lab assignment, a course project, a research project, or a random project you did for fun. Keep the description brief (within 100 words). You are encouraged to provide a github link to your code for the project if you would like to.

Note: Pick the project that you think could demonstrate your strength, such as system hacking skills, FPGA/Verilog programming skills, CTF experience, etc.
(Optional) Please provide 1-2 names of MIT professors who you have interacted with.
For each name, please provide one short sentence to describe when and how you interacted with the professor, such as taking a course or working on a research project.
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