AI questionnaire for language teachers

The AI revolution is upon us! It has begun to have a huge impact on education. Some teachers are excited about the changes ahead, while others may feel more reluctant or even fear the arrival of AI. The aim of this questionnaire is to learn about your professional experience, beliefs and attitudes about AI and its possible role in language teaching. Thank you for taking the time to share with us your personal views and insights.

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First, we would like to learn a few things about you:
1. For how many years have you been teaching language(s):  

2. What language(s) do you teach?

3. At what educational level do you teach languages? (Select all that apply) 

4. At what language level(s) do you teach? (Select all that apply)

Now we would like to find out more about the ways you have used AI in your teaching:

5. Have you ever used AI tools in connection to your teaching?
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