Employee Award Nominations
OUSTANDING PERFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE: You may nominate one or more employees for each employee award category. For each nomination, please write a statement describing why you are nominating this employee.

All nominations must be submitted by Friday, November 8th.

It is important for us to know who is submitting nominations. Nominators will be an important part of the process for completing a formal nomination packet for the staff members who advance to the next rounds of FCPS recognition. Please provide your name and contact information below.

Eligibility: Instructional or support employees who have completed at least one year of employment in their current position, including positions such as: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support Specialist, Assessment Coach, Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech Pathologist, School Counselor, Special Education Chair, and Resource Teachers.

Nominees should be school-based professional employees who:
A. Provide a unique and exceptional contribution to FCPS through their work.
B. Demonstrate commitment and leadership in their field.
C. Foster cooperative relationships with colleagues and/or the community.
D.     Foster an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrate         
         keeping equity at the center of their work.
E.     Contribute to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan: Student Success,  
        Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship
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Name of Outstanding Professional Employee Nominee:
Please write in paragraph form, using specific examples or stories, how this staff member demonstrates success in two or more of the criteria above.
Your (Nominator) Name (First and Last)
Your (Nominator) Email Address
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