ADCA Board & LSAT Nominations 
The ADCA is in need of parent volunteers to help plan and implement programming for the next school year. If you are interested to get involved - please connect with us. Time commitment varies by position but the reward is big when you make things happen at Deal!

Elections for the ADCA Officers and LSAT Representatives will happen in May. Please complete the form below to indicate your interest. Be sure to include the role you are interested in and a brief summary of your qualifications. This information will be shared publicly for the purposes of the election.
*Your phone and email are only for ADCA contact purposes and will not be shared publicly.
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Volunteer Name (First Last) *
Volunteer Email *
Volunteer Phone Number *
During SY 23/24, what grade will your student(s) be in? *
Officer and Committee Lead Roles
The ADCA Board consists of approximately 15 members comprised of Officers and Committee Leads. All board members can expect to give up to 2-5 hours a week, working closely with the Principal and directing Board Committees. Depending on the position, work may consist of in-person or zoom meetings, responding to emails, tracking expenses, drafting communications, and leading and supporting events on-site during the school day or on weekends. The dedication of the volunteers in this role will make a huge impact on Deal's community and the reward is great for this level of service!
Board Member and Committee Lead Roles: (1st choice)
Board Member and Committee Lead Roles: (2nd choice)
LSAT Parent Representative:
Bio & Qualifications
Please tell us about yourself. 

Why do you want to volunteer for an ADCA Board position? or LSAT Committee position?
What qualifications or experience will you bring to this role? 
Do you have past experience volunteering for a PTSO or other non-profit organizations?  If so, please share an example.
Do you have experience leading school programs or managing volunteers?  If so, please share an example.
Write a brief statement below. (REQUIRED for Board & LSAT positions)
Committee Member Interest
If you are just getting acquainted with the ADCA, dip your toe in the water with these committee member roles. Committee members can expect to give 1-2 hours per month for zoom or in-person meetings to plan upcoming programs. Please indicate which committee you wish to participate in below.
Committee of Interest
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