SWE-LA Virtual Professional Development Conference
Due to COVID-19 the annual Professional Development Conference (PDC) is now virtual and free to all. This virtual conference covers new topics presented by new speakers via Zoom webinar. Please see website for more information: http://losangeles.swe.org/2020-professional-development-conference---virtual.html
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Our five events will have a Q&A portion at the end. If there are any questions you would like us to address during any of the above events, please list them here:
SWE-LA uses all profits from our annual conference to fund our scholarship program. Since this conference is now free and virtual, we will be accepting donations from anyone who wishes to support the SWE-LA scholarship program. If you would like to donate, please send a payment through Zelle to swe.la.ec@gmail.com or email scholarships.swela@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.
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