The Fungivore MycoAdventures, 2024: Application
¿Que Hongo? Hello and welcome to The Fungivore 2024 MycoAdventure Application Questionnaire!

This form is required to be filled out in full to be considered for our 2024 MycoAdventures in Oaxaca and beyond in the upcoming season. Please answer each required questions with more than a couple words, as we would really like to get to know more about you!

If you have stumbled here without first looking at the detailed information on our website, please so take a look at, you can also see photos and videos from our trips on Instagram: please follow along with @The_Fungivore and @TravelingTradersBazaar for Zachary and Kimberly's pages, respectively.

What we do:

We (Zack and Kim) have been leading Mushroom Adventures in Mexico since July of 2019, and what has emerged over these 5 years is a life journey deeper and more fulfilling than we ever imagined. Our curiosity has opened up new friendships and opportunities to play with and learn from true masters of ecology and mycology in rural Mexico.

In 2023, we had the honor of partnering with several communities around Central Mexico speaking quite diverse languages: Zapoteco (Dixza'a), Mixteco (Tu'un Savi), Tlahuica (Pjiekakjoo), Matlatzinca (Bot'una), and Mazahua (Jñatrjo). In developing our partnerships and friendships, and in exchange for use of their forests and exchange of ideas, we presented on subjects which the community had requested to learn: in 2023, we connected experts to the curious to demonstrate home cultivation, mushroom dyeing, identification and mycology. This is because all of our adventures feature knowledgeable experts: mycologists, scientists, chefs, biologists, as well local indigenous masters, nature guides and community members (and often their adorable and uncannily wise children).

The emergent mission is simple: Co-create a multi-lingual network of awesome humans to foster community, discovery, wonder and friendships in spite of language barriers, these connections under-girded by the continual three-way dialogue that exists between our attendees, the communities who invite us in and the ecological consciousness that is the earth itself (the latter two often inexorably intertwined). If we are successful, you will come out of your adventure looking at the world through new eyes.

Through our Adventures, we extend this invitation to join in a unique opportunity and take part in this ongoing dialogue. The stunning backdrop of Mexico's Altiplano geology give us context for the journey, but the communities we visit are the living and breathing continuum of these ancient civilizations. We call our trips adventures, because they provide fodder to sidestep your perspective for a short week, and be introduced to a different reality. We hope you'll join us in Mexico in this evolving trust and relationship building immersion.

Zachary Hunter, chief Fungivore for The Fungivore is also an active member of the NAMA Culinary Committee, and living in Mexico with his wife Kimberly, we are excited to share the fascinating and profound ecological depth -humanity included-from the bottom of the North American continent with the mushroom-fascinated and growing cadre of mycophiles globally!

Now that you understand a little more about our "WHY," we want to know yours. Tell us more about yourself below.
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What is your full name? Please tell us your first and last name (and preferred nickname), and your preferred pronouns - our rooms are based on double occupancy, and if traveling alone, we take pains to make sure that you are with compatible roommates!
What is the best email to reach you? (Please double check that is correct, as this will be our primary means of communicating.) *
What is your best Phone/Text/WhatsApp number to reach you? (PLEASE LEAVE YOUR 10 DIGIT NUMBER, Indicate which of the above your prefer, and double check that your information is correct; and indicate your COUNTRY CODE, if applicable.) *
How did you hear about The Fungivore and our Mexico MycoAdventures?
Let us know which adventure caught your eye! The dates, topics and occupancy status for our 2024 offerings (as of 6/1/24) are as follows:
What has your experience been with wild mushrooms?

(Have you been foraging? Do you cook mushrooms? Have you ever used mushrooms for dyeing? Are you a mycologist? Beginner?)

Please tell us more about your interests in fungi and related mycelial branches here:
What is your experience with International Travel? Do you have a passport? What languages do you speak, even if only a little? Are you open to learning basic Spanish, and even some indigenous words?
Do you agree that you will bring (at least) two COVID rapid tests, and agree to use them before your adventure and if any symptoms should occur, during your adventure to maintain the health and safety of our other guests, ourselves and our hosts?
We use the phone app WhatsApp for all of our communications with our group once we are on the ground and together, for a myriad of reasons. If you are not familiar with this program, it is the globally preferred text and voice app, with over 2 billion users, and it does make group communications quite seamless. Are you willing to indulge us and become somewhat familiar with WhatsApp?
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