Are you interested in Talking is Teaching with Elaine Koons?
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Email *
Name of person completing this survey (First Name, Last Name, and Title) *
Phone Number: *
The intended audience for the Talking is Teaching session is: *
Will there be children that are not enrolled in GSRP or Strong Beginnings present at the session? *
Which programs will this session support? (Choose all that apply) *
Describe the space capacity that you have available to host this session. *
What time of the year are you planning on hosting Talking is Teaching?
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Have you reached out to other programs in your geographical area to determine if they are also interested in offering Talking is Teaching to their families or staff? *
Are you willing to partner with another program in your area to offer Talking is Teaching? *
Is there anything more you would like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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