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Art Seriously Wholesale Order Form
Fill out all of the information and click ‘Submit’. You are required to enter an email so that you will receive a confirmation e-mail after you’ve submitted your order.
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Untitled Title
Company Name:
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Contact Name:
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Phone Number
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Shipping Address:
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Payment Method Upon Delivery
I will pay with check made to: Art Seriously P.O. Box 222 Girdwood, Alaska 99587
I will pay with Venmo to account @dawngeretyart
I will pay with PayPal
Other (add to notes at end of order form)
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Shipping Information
USA orders only.
USPS is used for delivery. Once your order is placed I will chose the appropriate packaging and include that cost in the invoice.
Flat Rate Envelope = $10
Flat Rate Medium Box = $18
Flat Rate Large Box = $25
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