RH Individual Award Nominations 2023
Thank you for your interest in nominating a brother for a Region H Award this year! These nominations are reviewed & deliberated on by our student voting delegates, so we encourage submissions to include as much detail as possible for your nominees! We will be presenting these awards during the Region Business Meetings taking place at the 2023 National Convention in Indy!

Any Brother currently or formerly associated with Region H may submit a RH Award Nomination. You can use 1 form or as many needed for all award nominations listed below. Nominations should be at least a few sentences detailing how the individual has met the award criteria and any additional information regarding your desire to nominate them.

A list of award descriptions is available on our Region H website:

Individual Awards:
1. Servant Leader
2. Brotherhood Spirit
3. APO Spark
4. Recruitment
5. Inter-Chapter Relations
6. Forget-Me-Not Alumni

To submit a nomination for a Region H Distinguished Service Key Award, a full letter nominating the individual must be emailed separately to the RH Awards Chair. More details are listed on the RH website.

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Submitter's Name *
Submitter's Email *
Submitter's Home Chapter *
Submitter's Membership Status *
Nominee for Servant Leader Award
Name & Home Chapter
Nomination Letter for Servant Leader Award
Please include as much detail regarding how they have met the award criteria. This should be at least 1 paragraph.
Nominee for Brotherhood Spirit Award
Name & Home Chapter
Nomination Letter for Brotherhood Spirit Award
Please include as much detail regarding how they have met the award criteria. This should be at least 1 paragraph.
Nominee for APO Spark Award
Name & Home Chapter. Note: This award is for a pledge or recently initiated brother (since Fall 2020 semester).
Nomination Letter for APO Spark Award
Please include as much detail regarding how they have met the award criteria. This should be at least 1 paragraph.
Nominee for Recruitment Award
Name & Home Chapter
Nomination Letter for Recruitment Award
Please include as much detail regarding how they have met the award criteria. This should be at least 1 paragraph.
Nominee for Inter-Chapter Relations Award
Name & Home Chapter
Nomination Letter for Inter-Chapter Relations Award
Please include as much detail regarding how they have met the award criteria. This should be at least 1 paragraph.
Nominee for Forget-Me-Not Alumni Award
Note: This nominee must be an alumni member of our Fraternity. Recipients will receive a special Forget-Me-Not pin after the awards presentation.
Nomination Letter for Forget-Me-Not Alumni Award
Please include as much detail regarding how they have met the award criteria. This should be at least 1 paragraph.
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