2020 Farm Fresh Farm Tours- Farm Application
Applications need to be submitted for the Tennessee Tour by March, 16 .
Applications need to be submitted for the Virginia Tour July, 2.

This is a free event for participating farms.

The Northeast TN  Tour will take place on Saturday, June 20 from 1-6 pm (times may vary)
The Southwest VA Tour will take place on Saturday, September 26 from 1-6 pm (times may vary)

Participating counties in each state will depend on the number of farms per county.
We prefer to have at least 3 farms within a 15 minute to driving radius to create a "Farm Tour Cluster."  This will not disqualify you from participating, just be aware your visitor count will be lower if you are in an isolated location.
If your farm is chosen, you will need to be able to provide two volunteers minimum to help you the day of the tour.
Please be aware that many factors play into creating the farm tour. Not all farms may be accepted.  

For more information on the TN Tour, please contact Rachel Wheeler/ rachel@arcd.org (423) 979-2581
For more information on the VA Tour, please contact Lindsey Felty/ lfelty@asdevelop.org (276) 623-1121

Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Farm Name *
Farm Address, including city and zip code *
Farm website or social media link *
Briefly describe your farming operation. Please include what your farm produces, and what visitors can expect to see. *This will be used in marketing publications, including farm spotlights on social media. *
Do you plan on offering any of the following: *
What kind of parking can you offer guests?  *Having off road parking is required.   *
The Farm Fresh Farm Tours are brought to you in partnership with the Appalachian RC&D Council, Appalachian Sustainable Development, the North East TN Tourism Association, and Jonesborough Locally Grown. Funding is provided through a Farmers Market Promotion Program grant from the USDA.

For questions about the Farm Fresh Farm Tours and the Farmers Market Promotion Program, please contact Rachel Wheeler: rachel@arcd.org   -Or- by calling (423)979-2581
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