Volunteer Sign-up
Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of the Destination: Home and the Housing Ready Communities initiative on Sunday at Viva Calle. Due to an exciting partnership with Abode Services and the recent opening of Second Street Studios, we have a change of plans.

Instead of hosting a table at the resource fair at St. James Park, we will be assisting Abode with their adoption of the intersection of Keyes Street and South 2nd Street, right on the corner of Second Street Studios. We are putting together tables, some informational posters, a looping video booth and potentially some interactive games for the passers by to enjoy.

Your participation in this street activation will 1) help more people learn about the importance of supportive housing in our community to end homelessness, and 2) provide an opportunity for more people to get involved in the Housing Ready Communities Action Network.

We need your support to make certain we have enough people with us to talk to everybody who comes by. I will be there all day (9:30am to 3:30pm) and look forward to working together.

Thank you again for your support and volunteerism!

Event Timing: Sunday, May 19, 9:30am - 3:30pm
Event Address: Keyes St and S 2nd Street, San Jose - https://goo.gl/maps/3Lryx2bEz956puoe9
Contact: bob@housingready.org

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Have you already seen our Housing Ready Communities presentation? *
When are you available to volunteer on Sunday, May 19? *
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