Investigation into Sports and Visual Impairments

Hello there!

Thank you so much for participating in our survey.

We are students from the University of Sydney currently undertaking a course in User Experience. 

From this survey, we hope to learn about the lived experience of those with vision impairment and their engagement with sport and physical activity to inform our final project/design solution.

No personal data (i.e. names or email) will be collected for this survey, and will simply only be used to derive user insights.

We are also looking for 5 individuals to conduct a 15 minute interview via Zoom.

If you are interested in being interviewed or have any questions/concerns about the study please feel free to reach out to Sydney at

- Emma, Sophia, & Sydney

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How old are you? *
Were you born legally blind? *
How frequently do you engage in sports/physical activity in a week? *
What type of sports/physical activity do you engage in? *
Do you adapt the sport/physical activity you engage with in any way? (Check all that apply) *
What tools, if any, do you use to participate in these sports/physical activities?
What is your main challenge to participating in sports or physical activity? *
(Optional) Would you like to expand on your answer above?
For the questions below, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.
Visually impaired people are generally excluded from sports & physical activity. *
Visually impaired people are pushed to be dependent on sighted people to participate in sports and physical activity. *
Sighted people are educated/knowledgable about blind sports. *
(Optional) Is there anything else you would like to add?
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