General Public 2024

Questionnaire on General Public’s perception to Genome editing in crops -

Thank you for your time in answering the questionnaire on understanding Public’s perspective on Genome Editing in crops. Your input to the questionnaire makes a big difference to our research efforts. Kindly be assured that the personal information used in this questionnaire is completely voluntary. Your responses would be kept confidential and would be used for academic purpose. Even if you chose to remain anonymous, then too you may  complete the questionnaire. Be assured that your responses would not be linked to your personal information.

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I.                Please Indicate your age in numbers -- years 

Please indicate your gender  
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Please indicate your education 
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State of residence 

Have you heard about the recent 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Emmanuel Charpentier and Jennnifer Doudna for their work on Gene Editing technology – CRISPR/Cas 

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Have you heard about Gene edited crops … Yes/ No

If yes, kindly share the source from where you got information about the Gene Edited crops .

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Have you heard about Gene Editing in Agriculture 

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Have you received any training or participated in any awareness programmes regarding Gene Edited Crops
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Please indicate the extent to which you discuss Gene Edited crops with friends. 
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Please indicate your level of understanding of the difference between gene edited crops and genetically modified  crops
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To what extent are you open to the acceptance of  Gene Edited crops. 
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In your opinion, what are the major challenges faced by people working in agricultural fields.

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a.     To what extent are you aware that Gene Edited crops are commercially approved and cultivated in several countries.

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   To what extent do you believe that India should adopt Gene Editing to boost its agricultural production?

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To what extent you believe that Gene editing in crops has the potential in achieving the goal of stable food supply.

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To what extent you believe that Gene editing in crops would help in achieving Sustainable Development Goals like Zero Hunger, good health wellbeing and climate change?

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