I understand that AromaTouch Technique with Reiki is a hands-on technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation. I understand that my practitioner does not diagnose conditions or prescribe or perform medical treatment. I understand that this technique does not take the place of medical or psychological care. I understand that essential oils will be applied to my skin and be diffused in the air during my session. I understand that long term imbalances in the body may require several sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.
I hereby release and agree to hold Lokahi Life Coaching LLC harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the business, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Lokahi Life Coaching LLC.
I understand that this release discharges Lokahi Life Coaching LLC from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the business with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from Lokahi Life Coaching LLC.
This is a complete and irrevocable release and waiver of liability.