First Responder and Healthcare Professional Benefits Questionnaire
This questionnaire will explore the topic of employment benefits. Do you use them? Are they enough? Do they effect your career? Lets find out. 
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What is your current occupation? *
How long have you worked in this profession? *
How old are you? *
How do you identify *
What country and province/state do you currently work in?
Do you use your benefits? *
Do you have family covered under your benefits *
Do you think that having benefits affects the longevity of your career? *
Please specify the benefits provided by your employer. If other, list all. *
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the range of benefits included in your plan. *
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the extent of coverage provided for each benefit.
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Please list the benefits that are most important to you. *
Are there any additional benefits that you do not currently have, but would like to be offered? Please list them.  *
Are there any benefits that you currently have that you feel are insufficient for your needs? If so, list which ones. *
How important are benefits to you? *
Not important
Very important
Please add any additional comments you may have in regards to this survey. 
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