Shelf Space | Nominations form
A space for people to nominate interesting thinkers to highlight in the Shelf Space segment of The Kitchen Fridge

What makes someone good for nomination? 
1. This is NOT industry specific; they can come from all backgrounds
2. They could be considered early Gen Z or late Millenial (aka ~18-28)
3. They should be doing something considered unconventional either full time or on the side
3. They should be someone you particularly enjoy talking to and hearing from

**This form can be repeated as many times as you would like to nominate as many people as you would like! I will also keep this form open. There is no deadline to fill this out.
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What is your name? (optional if you want to stay anonymous)
What is the name of the person you are nominating? *
Why are you nominating this person? (Explanation can be short) *
What is his / her email?  *
What is his / her phone number? *
Anything else? 
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