Spring Registration
Coulee Region Virtual Academy (CRVA) is now taking registrations for the Spring Semester of the 2020-21 school year.  Registration has been extended to the beginning of the second semester on January 18, 2021.

CRVA does not have a set schedule and is designed to be flexible to meet the needs of all of our families.  

Our hope is that our CRVA staffing will remain the same for the spring semester as it was in the fall; however, staffing will be adjusted based on student enrollment in both the in-district programming and CRVA.  

Grades K-4 Information Link:

Grades 5-8 Information Link:

Grades 9-12 Information Link:

If you have any questions, please reach out to Julie Kamla at (608) 786-5335 or Deanna Wiatt at (608) 786-5336.  We are here to help.

Deanna Wiatt

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Your child's last name: *
Your child's date of birth: *
What grade is your child in at this time? *
Parent or Guardian full name: *
Parent or Guardian phone number: *
Parent or Guardian email address: *
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