M J Scarlett FDN. Volunteer/Attend Events Form
Ages 13-17 is required to submit the parental consent form in addition to completing this form to attend our Virtual Youth Summit.  The Consent form is located on our website. No additional form is required for In-person Events.

Have a great day!
I would like to: *
Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Name of School (N/A if Adult). *
Student I D Number (N/A if Adult). *
Age Group *
MEDIA  AUTHORIZATION & RELEASE CONSENT FOR IN-PERSON EVENTS - Photograph, Television, Tape, Movie and/or Sound Recording 

M J Scarlett Foundation, Inc./ M J Scarlett Human Trafficking Academy, LLC respects the privacy of its clients and affiliates.  Hence, we ask for your consent in the below statement. 
I do hereby give M J Scarlett Foundation Inc  & M J Scarlett Human Trafficking Academy their as-signs, licensees, and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use my name/or any fictional name, photograph image and/or statement(s) in all forms and media and in all manners, including composite or distorted representations, for advertising, trade or any other lawful purposes, including on printed advertising and promotional material and on websites and other electronic media. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished version(s), including written copy that may be created in connection therewith. This consent is expressly intended to release M J Scarlett Foundation Inc, M J Scarlett Human Trafficking Academy from liability. 
It is clear that I will not be compensation for the use of any of the above cited materials. M J Scarlett Foundation, Inc./ M J Scarlett Human Trafficking Academy, LLC and any representative are hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless from any liability by virtue of any use of such materials.
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