Girls & Trails Guided Walks                          The Alternative Friday Night G&T
Mel Steventon, Mountain Leader from Due North CIC is starting a new women's walking group on monthly Friday evenings starting Jan 24th 2025.
The walks are aimed to get women active, in a safe and non judgemental space. A time to meet new people. De-stress after a long week. The walks will start off very easy and as we get into lighter nights we may be more adventurous depending on the needs of the group. 
Walks will be charged at £8 per walk , or £20 for 3 walks. Walks will take around 90 minutes to 2 hours.
Please complete the form below to register your interest. 

What you will need
Suitable walking shoes - We have spares if needed
A head torch or torch for Jan & Feb meets
Warm clothing
Waterproof Jacket - We have spares if needed

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
mobile number  *
Address *
date of birth  *
Which walk/walks are you joining 

Walking Experience - NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED 
However, If you have some experience already , please describe what you have previously done, local walks, are you current;y active or is this the kick start that you need. 
What are you looking to get out of the intro sessions *
Shoe size (if you need to borrow trail shoes) 
Do you need to borrow any kit? Please tick which items you need to borrow
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency contact number *
Emergency contact Relationship *
Any medical conditions we need to be aware of *
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