Commissioned Artwork by Laurie Morse
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What size artwork are you looking for in width x height
I suggest you look through the various collections and pick 3-4 pieces you like or parts of them so I can get an idea of what you like. Please note the piece name and any sections you like in particular. Feel free to include screenshots.
We will agree on size, timing, and price before I begin the piece and I will send you a video at the halfway mark for your input. Price is calculated by size, for example a 24 x 36 artwork is approx. $1100 + shipping (unless you're local and can pick up). Please write any questions you have about this. 
The next step is to schedule a zoom call to talk about the details. Please indicate if you would like to move forward to that step. If so, please let me know general times that are best for you and I will e-mail you with some options. *
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