Report for Retired Rostered Ministers - 2021
Annual Reports to the Bishop of the South Dakota Synod are constitutionally required to be submitted to the synod bishop.
Please take this opportunity to share with Bishop Constanze Hagmaier about your ministry in the South Dakota synod. The information you provided is helpful as we continue synodical ministry.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
I am a __________ : *
Date of Ordination
First Name *
Last Name *
Congregation Membership *
Mailing Address (Summer)
Mailing Address (Winter)
Have there been any personal life changes or transitions this past year?
Please share below as we journey with you in your ministry. (Ex. change in marital status, family changes, health concerns, births etc.)
How can we best journey with you in Christ through these life changes?
Emergency Contact Information *
Please list a name and contact information of someone we should be in contact with in the event of an emergency or crisis.
Opt-In to Share Personal Contact Information *
The synod office is updating our database, to protect you and your privacy, we would like to know what information you are willing to share publicly.
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