Please complete this form to empower CCSD students with career exploration opportunities >
This form is the First Step in partnering with CCSD to offer students Work-based Learning (WBL) opportunities, which are structured experiences empowering students with primary knowledge in their chosen career pathway.

Based on your responses, you will be offered SPECIFIC OPPORTUNITIES.

Please contact Chad Vail, CCSD Work-based Learning Partnerships Coordinator with any questions, Chadwick_Vail@Charleston.K12.SC.US / 843-323-1100.
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Which career exploration opportunities would you like to offer students? *
Please mark all that you are interested in offering - Specific Opportunities will be offered based on your responses.  
Company Name: *
Please briefly describe your company's core business model. *
A few sentences at most to enable best classroom / student match
First Name: *
Last Name *
Email *
Job Title: *
Company Address: *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Company Phone *
Alt / Mobile Phone *
Best direct number to reach contact person
Are there any special requirements for students to maximize the WBL experience(s) you envision offering? *
Example include: special clothing or tools, ideal skill set
Will compensation be available for Internship & Youth Apprenticeship students? *
What opportunities are available for students at your company after their WBL experience is complete? *
Examples include: Scholarships, Employment, and Industry Certifications
What is the best method to contact you?
We look forward to working with you soon!
How did you learn about CCSD's Work-based Learning program? *
List all that apply
Thank you for your willingness to engage CCSD Students and help them on their way to graduating College and Career Ready!
CCSD Work-based Learning - Preparing Charleston's Future Workforce
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