AACcess Scholarship Application for Professionals
Complete the following information to apply for a scholarship of varying amounts to one of our online trainings.  We will follow-up within one week of your submission.  All submissions are reviewed by our board and director.  We encourage scholarship recipients to consider making a donation to support the overhead of AACcessible at the link provided here:  https://www.aaccessible.org/give
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
What is your country of residence? *
What is your profession? *
Do you work for a charity or nonprofit organization? *
What is the name and website for your organization? *
Which training(s) are you interested in? *
What scholarship amount are you requesting?  (i.e., the full amount or are you able to pay a reduced amount?) *
Write a brief summary of why you are in need of scholarship for this training opportunity.
Write a brief summary of how you will use the information gained in the training to serve communicators with complex needs.   *
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