Offener Brief zum Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse (English Version below)
Am 13. April machte die Jury des Preises der Leipziger Buchmesse ihre Shortlist öffentlich. Alle darauf Genannten sind hochverdiente Autor:innen und Übersetzer:innen. Jede:r Einzelne wäre ein:e würdige:r Preisträger:in.  

Unter den Nominierten befinden sich jedoch keine Schwarzen Autor:innen und Autor:innen of Colour. Dabei hätte es gerade in diesem Frühjahr genug Auswahl gegeben an Autor:innen, die bereits öffentliche Anerkennung und Auszeichnungen erhalten haben.

Wir finden die Entscheidung der Jury problematisch. Aber es ist nicht unsere Absicht, ihre Mitglieder zu attackieren. Vielmehr wollen wir ihre Entscheidung zum Anlass nehmen, eine Diskussion zu führen, die in unseren Augen längst überfällig ist: Über institutionelle Strukturen innerhalb der deutschen Gesellschaft, die nicht immer für alle wahrnehmbar sind, aber dennoch immer wirken. Auch im Literaturbetrieb.

Literatur kann gesellschaftliche Strukturen und herrschende kulturelle Vorstellungen in Frage stellen. Damit sie diese gesellschaftliche Aufgabe jedoch übernehmen kann, muss ihre Vielfalt gefördert und gepflegt werden. Doch im deutschen Literaturbetrieb gibt es ganz offensichtlich eine institutionelle Struktur, die Schwarze Schriftsteller:innen und Schriftsteller:innen of Colour ausschließt. Kulturelle Institutionen, die fast ausschließlich weiße Autor:innen auszeichnen, verhindern die Weiterentwicklung der vielfältigen Literatur- und Kulturszene in Deutschland. So verfestigt sich ein eindimensionales Konzept von Literatur und Kultur.

Die Unterzeichner:innen dieses Briefes wollen eine Kultur, in der eine Vielheit an Stimmen und Perspektiven Normalität ist. Und dafür braucht der deutsche Kulturbetrieb Jurys, Verlagshäuser und Feuilleton-Redaktionen, die die gelebte Realität der deutschen Gesellschaft repräsentieren.  

Wie kann das erreicht werden?

Einige Ansätze, die wir zusammengetragen haben:

Schwarze Autor:innen und Autor:innen of Colour brauchen mehr gezielte Stipendien und finanzielle Förderung.

Es sollte Positionen explizit für neue Juror:innen geben, die den Blick für neue, diverse Literatur weiten.
Verlage, Literaturagenturen und -häuser und Literaturinstitute müssen verschärft ihre Zugangsbarrieren analysieren und auf Chancengerechtigkeit achten.

Literatur von Schwarzen Menschen und People of Colour darf nicht nur durch das “Anderssein” ihrer Protagonist:innen wahrgenommen und damit klein gehalten werden - wie kann das gelingen?

Und vielleicht am wichtigsten: Die Lektüre in unseren Bildungssystemen muss eine andere, eine reale Welt abbilden - nicht so wie jetzt, eine weiße, männliche cis-heteronormative. Nur so können Leser:innen, Autor:innen, Verlagsmitarbeiter:innen und Kritiker:innen heranwachsen, die die Welt so divers wahrnehmen, wie sie in Wirklichkeit ist.

Auch wir Unterzeichner:innen verpflichten uns dazu, weiterhin unseren Beitrag in unseren Institutionen und Kreisen zu leisten und werden im Nachgang dieses Briefes nach weiteren konkreten Mitteln suchen.

Es liegt noch ein gutes Stück Weg vor uns. Doch sind wir der festen Überzeugung, dass es wert ist diesen Weg zu gehen, um Chancengerechtigkeit und gleichberechtigte Teilhabe in Literatur und Kultur Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.


On 13 April the jury for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize published its shortlist of distinguished authors and translators, every one of them deserving of a prize.

However: there was not one single Black writer or author of Colour on the list of German-language writers and translators nominated, even though there is no lack of outstanding and successful books by prominent contemporary writers who have garnered mainstream attention and acclaim.

 We find the jury’s decision problematic. We are not looking to pillory this particular jury or prize. (Nor Germany in particular: those of us who live outside Germany recognise similarly problematic structures in our own countries and societies.) We want to take this opportunity to initiate an overdue discussion about institutional structures which, even though they are not always recognisable for everyone, always have consequences, also for literature.
The potential of imaginative writing to challenge a society and help it grow is abundantly clear. But for that to happen, it needs to unfold in all its diversity; and that is hindered by a clear institutional problem in the German publishing industries. They are failing accurately to represent the writers, readers and wider society they serve. Cultural institutions that primarily reward white authors are preventing the development of a rich literary and cultural scene in Germany and entrenching a fundamentally impoverished conception of literature and culture.

The signatories of this letter want a cultural scene where a wide range of voices and perspectives are the norm. That requires juries, publishing houses, and feuilleton editors who represent the lived reality of German society.

On the way to achieving that, we suggest that:

more grants, awards, and scholarships are needed for Black writers and writers of Colour;

there should be places on juries specifically for new jurors who expand the range of perspectives;

the barriers that prevent access to literary agents and creative writing programmes need to be identified and removed;

there needs to be a fuller focus on the aesthetic achievements and innovations in writing by Black writers and authors of Colour, which should not be obscured by a white focus on “otherness”;

and we urgently need to reform our school and university curricula to ensure that a new generation of diverse readers, writers, publishers and critics can advocate for a literature that speaks to and of a wide range of experience.

As signatories we commit to continue to play our part in our own institutional spheres. We invite further insights and ideas from people working in the German publishing industry, in education, and beyond.

It will take some effort. But it is worth the effort if we can achieve equality of opportunity and equal participation in literature and society.


Maryam Aras, Doctoral Researcher and Literary Critic, Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
Stephanie Bart, Schriftstellerin
Zoë Beck, Autorin, Übersetzerin
Bettina Bildhauer, University of St Andrews, Professor of Modern Languages
Magdalena Birkmann, Buchhändlerin
Eleoma Bodammer, Reader in German, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Dr. Chris Brantner, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Associate Professor of German
Rebecca Braun, Executive Dean, College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies, NUI Galway, Ireland
Wiebke Brockhaus-Grand, Senior Lecturer in German Linguistics, University of Manchester
Annika Brockschmidt, Journalistin und Autorin
Dr. Sabine Broeck, Prof. emer. Universität Bremen
Andrea Bryant, Georgetown University, PhD Candidate (ABD)
Cérise Charlene Carson
Kyung-Ho Cha, Akademischer Oberrat auf Zeit, Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Bayreuth
Helen Chambers, Emeritus Professor of German, University of St Andrews UK
Jon Cho-Polizzi, Literary Translator
Meryem Choukri, Doktorandin in German Studies, University of Warwick, UK
David Clarke, Cardiff University, Professor of German Studies
Sarah Colvin, Schroeder Professor of German, University of Cambridge, UK
Jean Conacher, University of Limerick, Senior Lecturer in German
Mary Cosgrove, Trinity College Dublin, Professor in German
Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Professor of German, University of North Texas, USA
Andrew Cusack, University of St Andrews, Senior Lecturer in German
Alrik Daldrup, Research Assistant, CAU Kiel, Germany
Peter Davies, University of Edinburgh, Professor of Modern German Studies
Scott Denham, Professor of German Studies, Davidson College, USA
Christian Dittloff, Schriftsteller
Daniela Dora, Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge, DAAD Teaching Fellow in German
Stephan Ehrig, University College Dublin, IRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ann-Marie Einhaus, Northumbria University, UK, Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Literature
Maha El Hissy, Lecturer in German and Comparative Cultural Studies, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Fatima El-Tayeb, Professor of Literature and Ethnic Studies, University of California San Diego, USA
Leila Essa, Teaching Fellow in German, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Helen Finch, University of Leeds, Associate Professor in German
Tiffany N. Florvil, Associate Professor of History, University of New Mexico, USA
Emily Frazier-Rath, Visiting Assistant Professor of German Studies, Davidson College, USA
Anne Fuchs, University College Dublin, Professor
Viktor Funk, Journalist und Autor
Timm Gebhart
Svenja Gräfen, Autorin und Schriftstellerin
Stephanie Galasso, Schroeder Research Associate in German, University of Cambridge, UK
Sandra Gugić, Schriftstellerin
Elisabeth R. Hager, Schriftstellerin
Dr. Sarah Hegenbart, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Kunsthistorikerin/Art Historian
Matthew Hines, University of Birmingham, Doctoral Researcher
Deborah Holmes, University of Salzburg, Assistant Professor of Modern German Literature
Masja Horn, Brill Academic Publisher, Sr Acquisitions Editor
Kathleen James-Chakraborty, University College Dublin. An author who believes that contemporary Germany is not lily white and that the voices of writers of colour and of women are central to our understanding of it.
Dr Rebecca May Johnson, Writer
Fatima Khan, Künstlerin und Kuratorin
Anna Kim, Schriftstellerin
Caroline Kita, Associate Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Tracy Kuimba Kondi, Schriftstellerin
Mahret Ifeoma Kupka, Kuratorin, Autorin
Hannes Köhler, Schriftsteller
Marie Kolkenbrock, Branco Weiss Fellow in German, King’s College London, UK
Ninia LaGrande, Autorin, Germanistin
Priscilla Layne, Associate Professor of German, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Sandra van Lente, Guest Lecturer, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Margaret Littler, Professor Emerita of German, University of Manchester, UK
Michèle Loetzner, Autorin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Ervin Malakaj, Assistant Professor of German Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada
Achan Malonda, Sängerin, Moderatorin und Aktivistin
Ruth Martin, Literary translator, UK
Peter W. Marx, Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung; University of Cologne, Director/Professor of Theatre Studies
Frauke Matthes, University of Edinburgh, Senior Lecturer in German
Áine McMurtry, Senior Lecturer in German, King’s College London, UK
Adrienne Merritt, Visiting Assistant Professor of German, St Olaf College, Northfield, MN USA
Imke Meyer, Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Andrea Milde
Charlotte Milsch, Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Moderatorin
Leila Mukhida, Lecturer in German Studies, University of Cambridge, UK
Barry Murnane, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Oxford, Asssociate Professor in German
Maria Öller, University of St Andrews, UK, OeAD-Lektorin
Jeannette Oholi, Doktorandin am Institut für Germanistik, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany
Sam Osborn, University of St Andrews
Stephan Petzold, University of Leeds, Lecturer in German History
Vanessa Plumly, Assistant Professor of German, Lawrence University, USA
Andrea Pollmeier, Kulturjournalistin
Till Raether, Schriftsteller und Journalist
Sarah Raich, Schriftstellerin
Annie Ring, Associate Professor in German, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London, UK
Eve Rosenhaft, University of Liverpool, Professor of German Historical Studies
Claire A. Ross, Lecturer in German Studies, University of Reading, UK
Kate Roy, Franklin University Switzerland, Adjunct Professor of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Mithu Sanyal, author, broadcaster and academic
Benedict Schofield, Reader in German, King’s College London, UK
Lauren Shizuko Stone, Univ of Colorado Boulder, Asst Professor of German
Heidi Schlipphacke, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Jasmin Schreiber, Schriftstellerin
Nicole Seifert, Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Autorin
Linda Shortt, Maynooth University
Catherine Smale, King's College London, UK, Senior Lecturer in German Studies
Tom Smith, Lecturer in German, University of St Andrews, UK
Maria Stehle, Professor of German, University of Tennessee, USA
Lizzie Stewart, Lecturer in Modern Languages, King’s College London, UK
Antonia Stille, Autorin
Katherine Stone, University of Warwick, Associate Professor
Nathalie Stummer
Sebastian Stuertz, Schriftsteller
Karosh Taha, Schriftstellerin
Tara Talwar Windsor, University of Birmingham, Research Fellow in Modern Languages
Raphael Thelen, Autor und Journalist
Nicola Thomas, Lecturer in German Studies, University of Bristol, UK
Lucy Thompson, Birkbeck College, University of London, PhD student
Robert Vilain, University of Bristol, Professor of German and Comparative Literature
Beverly Weber, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Chantelle Warner, University of Arizona, Associate Professor of German Studies
Rebecca Wismeg-Kammerlander, King's College London, PhD Researcher
Franziska Wolf, University of Birmingham, UK
Fabian Wolff, Autor
Gerrit Wustmann, Schriftsteller
Bill Niven, Historiker und Germanist
Maren Rohe, University of Birmingham
Lucy Duggan, Schriftstellerin
Hilary Potter, Royal Holloway, University of London, Teaching Fellow in German
Claudia Buffagni, Università per Stranieri di Siena (Italy), Associate Professor in German Linguistics
Nina Schmidt, FU Berlin, postdoctoral researcher
Katrin Jeuken
Regula Staempfli,, #podcaster
Caro Leuderalbert
Cathy Gelbin, University of Manchester, Professor of Film and German Studies
Marie-Christin Wilm, Literaturwissenschaftlerin/Autorin
Robin Detje, Autor und Übersetzer
Anja Voigt
Annika Brockschmidt, Journalistin und Autorin
Katharina Reuber
Duncan Large, University of East Anglia, Professor of European Literature and Translation
Christiane Frohmann, Frohmann Verlag, Publisher, author
Simon Sahner, Universität Greifswald, 54books, Literaturwissenschaftler, Redakteur
Angela Yvonne Kilian
Pajam Masoumi, Diskriminierungskritische Medienbegleitung, Referent*in politische Bildung
Marie Isabel Matthews-Schlinzig, Autorin, Lektorin, Übersetzerin/author, editor, translator
Nikola Richter, microtext, Verlegerin
Aleksandra Szczodrowski, University of Bonn, Student, Research Assistant
Dr. Elias Kreuzmair, Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Universität Greifswald, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Inge Lütt, Autorin
Jelka Patricia Lawal
Thomas Reichmuth, NMS Bern, Lehrender
Patrick Hoffmann
Silvia Bauer, Dramaturgin und Kulturjournalistin
Björn Brolewski
Anne Tofall
Laura Virág, Leserin, die nicht nur Bücher von alten weißen Männern lesen möchte
Dr. Luise Metzel, Verlegerin edition metzel
Helmut Schmitz, University of Warwick, UK, Professor of German
Julia Retzlaff, Buchhändler*in
Marc-Oliver Frisch, Übersetzer und Kritiker
Magda Albrecht, Autorin und politische Referentin
Sascha Preiß, Autor
Martin Fritz, Autor, Performer und Literaturwissenschafter
Dr. Jasmin Humburg, Literaturvermittlerin
Simon Reinhold
Kate Rapp
Tina Pahnke
Markus Jochum
Gisela Wehrl, Dramaturgin & Drehbuchautorin
Julian Brimmers, Autor
Dr Mirjam Brusius, Historikerin
Necia Chronister, Kansas State University, Associate Professor
Romy Traeber, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Julia Eichhorn, Literaturagentin
Alice Christensen, University of Reading (UK), Teaching Fellow
John Lyon, University of Pittsburgh, Professor of German
Zoë Martin, Literaturagentin & Buchhändlerin
Hannah V. Eldridge, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Associate Professor of German
Sanna Stegmaier, King's College London/Humboldt Universität Berlin
Josefine Jochum
Anna Hájková Warwick, Historian
Petra Spring
Steven Seegel, Professor of History, University of Northern Colorado (USA)
Mareike Herrmann, College of Wooster, USA, Professor of German Studies
Annegret Märten, King’s College London/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Doktorandin (Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)
Sara Friedman, UC Berkeley, PhD candidate
Doriane Zerka, University of Cambridge, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Anja Rekeszus, King's College London, Doktorandin
Hannah Vinter, King's College London PhD Researcher
Samuel Clowes Huneke, George Mason University Assistant Professor of History
Joseph Prestwich King's College London PhD Researcher
Richard McClelland University of Bristol Teaching Associate in German
Erin Hochman Southern Methodist University Associate Professor of History
Sam Thompson King’s College London PhD Student
Tobias Boes, University of Notre Dame (USA), Associate Professor of German
Juliane Schicker, Carleton College, Assistant Professor of German
Robbie Aitken Sheffield, Hallam University Professor of Imperial History
CJ (Claire Taylor) Jones, University of Notre Dame, USA, Associate Professor of German
Mona Eikel-Pohen, Syracuse University, Assistant Teaching Professor of German, writer, translator
Christoph Schmitz, Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies, PhD Candidate
Maike Hansen, Universität des Saarlandes, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Valentina Becker
Adrian Daub, Stanford University, Professor of German Studies
Brigetta M. Abel, Macalester College, USA, Associate Professor (NTT) and Director of Writing
Seth Peabody, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, USA, Assistant Professor of German
Claire M Massey, Rostock University, Postdoctoral Researcher
Jason Williamson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Senior Lecturer
Elisa Jilg
Christian Nikolaus Opitz, Autor und Kunsthistoriker
Amanda Sheffer, The Catholic University of America, USA, Professor of German
Ben Miller, Freie Universität Berlin, Doctoral Fellow, Global Intellectual History; Freier Autor und Journalist
Luca Traber
Robyn Bellinger
James Glazebrook
Sibylle Luithlen, Schriftstellerin
Ekkehard Knörer, Merkur, Cargo, taz, Herausgeber. Kritiker
Dr John Partridge, University of Kent, Canterbury, Honorary Lecturer in German and Linguistics
Catriona Corke, University of Cambridge, PhD Researcher
Martina Kübler
Veronika Springmann, FU Berlin, Historikerin
Alan Maričić, Historiker
Oliver Niels Völkel, FU Berlin, Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Dr. Ned Richardson-Little, Universität Erfurt
Robin Ellis, William & Mary, Assistant Professor of German Studies
Annie, University college Dublin, Student
Raoul Cocard
Davarian L. Baldwin, Raether Distinguished Professor, Trinity College (USA)
Frederica Daniele, School teacher
Nadia Brügger, Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Universität Zürich
Martin Sheehan, Tennessee Tech University, USA, Interim Chair and Associate Professor of German
Nadire Biskin, Autorin
Leonie John, Universität zu Köln, PhD researcher
Norma Möllers, Queen’s University, Dept. of Sociology, Assistant Professor
Hester Baer, University of Maryland, USA, Associate Professor of German
Jason Jonson, History Department UTK, Graduate Student
Nadire Biskin, Autorin
Alys George, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History, Franz Werfel Postdoctoral Fellow (BMBWF), Resident Fellow
Frank Rudkoffsky, Schriftsteller & Journalist
Ina Linge, University of Exeter, UK Lecturer in German
Petra Brechtmann, Translator/Reviewer
Shivani Chauhan, University of Oxford, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, DPhil student
Jason Groves, University of Washington, Assistant Professor of German Studies
Aida Baghernejad, freie Journalistin
Katrin Bahr, Centre College, USA, Visiting Assistant of German
Jen Calleja, Literary Translator from German and author
Felix Lempp, Universität Hamburg Doktorand (Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft)
Karin Baumgartner, University of Utah, Professor of German
Suzuko Knott, Connecticut College, Associate Professor of German Studies
Amy Young, Central College, Associate Professor of German
Julia Ludewig, Allegheny College
Nicole Coleman, Wayne State University, Assistant Professor of German
Marie Westphal
Edward Larkey, University of Maryland, Baltimore County USA, Professor of German Studies and Intercultural Communication
Friederike Wunschik
Ingrid Sharp, University of Leeds, Professor of German Cultural and Gender History
 Manuela Boatcă, University of Freiburg, Germany, Professor of Sociology and Global Studies
Melissa Sheedy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lecturer
Alena Christ, Germanistikstudentin
Claire E. Scott, Kenyon College, Visiting Assistant Professor of German
Eva Schöck-Quinteros, Universität Bremen
Olivia Albiero, San Francisco State University, Assistant Professor
Chantal Sullivan-Thomsett, University of Leeds/Nottingham Trent University, PhD Candidate/Hourly Paid Lecturer
Alina Buchberger, Dramaturgin
Mark Lauer, Mount Holyoke College Senior, Lecturer in German Studies
Sheer Ganor, University of Minnesota, Assistant Professor
Peter, Montana State University
Jo Kreft, University of Birmingham, PhD Researcher, German Studies
Steffan Davies, University of Bristol, UK, Senior Lecturer in German
Kirsten Jüdt, Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Markus Hallensleben, UBC, Assoc. Prof., Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies
Patrick Ploschnitzki, University of Arizona
Julie Koser, University of Maryland, USA, Associate Professor of German Studies
Silvia Fehrmann, Leiterin Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD
Andreas Gehrlach, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ramona Schulz
Johanna Schuster-Craig, Michigan State University, Professor
Sara Lennox, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
Juliane Bremer, Universität Bremen, Kulturwissenschaftlerin
Gabriel Cooper, Oberlin College, Assistant Professor of German
Leonie Hardt
Jeanne Riou, University College Dublin, German Studies, School of Languages, Cultures & Linguistics, Asst. Prof.
Mirjam Galley, Historikerin, Lektorin
Maggie Rosenau, University of Colorado Denver, PhD
Helga Thorson, University of Victoria, Associate Professor
Amy Young, Central College, Associate Professor of German
Erica Yejun Zou, King’s College London/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Deirdre Byrnes, NUI Galway, Senior Lecturer
GILIA, Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Be Schierenberg , UC Berkeley, graduate student
Britta C Jung, University College Dublin, IRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Larissa Bender, Übersetzerin
Mary Allison, Washington University in St. Louis, Lecturer & Pedagogy Specialist
Carol A. Leibiger, University of South Dakota, Associate Professor in the Library
Mark Lauer, Mount Holyoke College, Senior Lecturer in German Studies
Carol A. Leibiger, University of South Dakota, Associate Professor/Library
Jan Süselbeck, RWTH Aachen University / Philipps-Universität Marburg / University of Calgary, Privatdozent
Tanja Friedrich, Informationswissenschaftlerin
Ajibola Fabusuyi, University of British Columbia, Vancover Canada, PhD student
Marie Muschalek, Uni Konstanz, Historikerin
Chris Roth, Filmemacherin und Autorin
May Mergenthaler, Ohio State University
Tina-Karen Pusse, NUI Galway, Lecturer in German Studies, Head of School (Languages, Literatures and Cultures)
Alexander Leissle, The TLS, Assistant editor
Sean Allan, University of St Andrews, Professor of German
Patricia Anne Simpson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Professor of German Studies
Tabea Soergel
Brangwen Stone, The University of Sydney
Verena Kick, Georgetown University Assistant, Professor of German
Sabrina Mittermeier,University of Kassel, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc)
Grit Landau, Schriftstellerin
Elystan Griffiths
Nichole Neuman, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Cordula Böcking, Maynooth University, Assistant Professor in German
Janice McGregor, University of Arizona, Assistant Professor
Didem Uca, Emory University, Assistant Professor of German Studies
Yuliya Komska, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA, Associate Professor of German Studies
Lore Knapp, Universität Bielefeld, Akademische Rätin auf Zeit
Isabelle Hesse, The University of Sydney, Australia Lecturer
Melissa F Weiner, College of the Holy Cross, Associate Professor of Sociology
Nalan Erbil, German, Nordic, and Slavic+, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lecturer
Elin Lakshmy Kuttimalai, Buchhändler*in
Heike Bauer, Birkbeck, University of London, Professor of Modern Literature & Cultural History
Erika Hughes, University of Portsmouth, Academic Lead in Performance
Letícia Milano, Autorin & Aktivistin
Selma Matter, PROSANOVA 2020, Festival Teil der künstlerischen Leitung
Karoline Hoffmann-Pudelko
Antonia Stille, Autorin
Gillian Pye, University College Dublin, Associate Dean, Arts and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf, University of Bremen, Director Institute for postcolonial and transcultural studies
Rosen Ferreira, Poet & Autor*in
Julia Wolf
Zihsian Yang
Minyo Modarai
Anne Fogarty, University College Dublin, Professor of James Joyce Studies
Helene bukowski, Schriftstellerin
Sarah Hemens
Sadie Ovenden, Trinity College Dublin, Student
Karen Leeder, University of Oxford, Professor of Modern German Literature
Markus Thielemann, Student, Schriftsteller
Miriam Schwarz, University of Cambridge, PhD candidate
Lena Dernai
Emily Spiers, Lancaster University, Senior Lecturer in Creative Futures
Lisa Marie Anderson, Hunter College, Professor and Chair of German
Anina Büchenbacher, Weil es Zeit ist für Vielstimmigkeit
Natasha A. Kelly, Academic Activist, Author and Artist
Carla Hegnon, Teil der Künstlerischen Leitung PROSANOVA 2020 - Festival für junge Literatur
Nicholas Courtman
Syamala Roberts, University of Cambridge, Doktorandin
Christoph Mayer
Buchhandlung im Schanzenviertel (Kollektiv geführte Buchhandlung, Hamburg)
Antje Schmidt Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Katie Ritson Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich Research Fellow
Julien Grub Historiker*in, Buchkritiker*in
Philipp Winkler Schriftsteller
Veronika Schuchter University of Oxford OeAD-Lektorin
Berit Glanz Schriftstellerin und Skandinavistin
Kára Alexandra Lorengel
Marcus Sigismund Leser
Marcel Inhoff
Onyx, University of Michigan
Mirjam Horn-Schott, Bayreuth Humboldt Centre, Universität Bayreuth, Geschäftsführerin
Helen Roche, Durham University, Assistant Professor in Modern European Cultural History
Hyo Yoon Kang, Kent Law School, Reader in Law
Sybille Kramer
Jona Krützfeld, Verlegerin beim Akono Verlag für zeitgenössische afrikanische Literatur
Joela Jacobs, University of Arizona, Assistant Professor of German Studies
Gianna Trupia, FrauenMediaTurm, Cultural Managment
Alexander Lehnert, Gleiswildnis, Konzept*Feuerpudel, Moderator
Joseph Twist, University College Dublin, Lecturer
Daniele Vecchiato, University of Padua, Assistant Professor
Jenna Lampers
Elizabeth Ward, IMLR, University of London, Lecturer in German Studies
Ayna Steigerwald, fluctoplasma Festival Hamburg u.a.
Susan Bernofsky, Columbia University, Associate Professor of Writing/School of the Arts and Director, Literary Translation at Columbia
Wigbert Boell, Publizist
Evan Torner, University of Cincinnati, Associate Professor of German Studies
Dr. Jennifer Leetsch, Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Nina Hälker
Judith Rinklebe, Künstlerische Leitung PROSANOVA 2020 - Festival für junge Literatur
Kemi Fatoba, Journalistin, Herausgeberin DADDY Magazine
Prof. Dr. Julia Borst, University of Bremen, Interim Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Postcolonial and Transcultural Studies
Rosemarie Peña, Black German Heritage & Research Association, President
Petra Melchert
Farah Osman
Walter Schlect, Washington University in St. Louis, Germanic Languages and Literatures Subject Librarian
Anna Schwarzinger
Peter Richter
Dr. Gisela Febel, Prof. em. Universität Bremen, Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Asja Schöner
jutta himmelreich, literary translator, interpreter, lecturer, diplomat at the service of world literature
Senthuran Varatharajah, Schriftsteller
Rina Limoni, Ph.D. Student
Daphne van de Burgwal
Oda Stockmann, Buchhändlerin & diversitätssensible Organisationsentwicklerin
Dr. Jeanette Ehrmann, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Peggy Piesche, Adefra e.V.
Mara Nombamba
Jee-Un Kim, korientation e.V., Geschäftsführung
Anja Binkofski, Universität Bremen
Alexander Maßmann, University of Cambridge, Affiliated lecturer (Theologie)
Philipp Khabo Koepsell, Herausgeber, Autor, Künstler
Andrew Webber, University of Cambridge, Professor
Jeasuthan Nageswaran, Politischer Bildner/Trainer
Lizza May David, artist, korienation e.V., board member
Aynayda Pizaqvick, Khaalee Sir Science Dept.
Robert Dassanowsky, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CU Distinguished Prof of Film and Languages + Cultures
Jake Schneider, SAND, Editor in Chief
Élodie Malanda, Universität des Saarlandes, Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Postdoc Humboldt Stipendiatin
Yasmin Nasrudin, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin
Hans Meyer, IFA, Farmer
Francesca Goll, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,Research Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)
Ulrike Wiethaus, Wake Forest University, Professor
Rita Svandrlik, Università degli Studi Firenze, Full Professor
Adem Ferizaj, Soas, University of London, Centre for Gender Study, Graduate teaching assistant
Alessandro Fambrini, Università di Pisa, Professore ordinario di Letteratura tedesca
Marlen Witt-Maganjo
Franz Dobler , Autor
Elias Wildpanner, Arbeitsstelle Holocaustliteratur, JLU Gießen
Nora Bendzko, Autorin
Anastasia Parinow
Anne Schumann Douosson
Willi Bischof, edition assemblage, Publisher
Fatma Aydemir, Schriftstellerin
Silke Hackenesch, University of Cologne, Associate Professor
Anna Gerratana, Università di Pisa, docente a contratto e traduttrice
Emma Rault , literary translator from German and Dutch
Francesco Rossi, Università di Pisa, Researcher / Lecturer
Dr Melissa Schuh, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Wiss. Mitarbeiterin/Lecturer in English Literature
Gabriella Pelloni, Università di Verona, Researcher-Lecturer
Agnes Hammer, Autorin von Jugendbüchern, Lehrerin  
Johannes Franzen, Literaturwissenschaftler
Tina Boyer, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA
Zenos Hoppe
Simone Stirner, Vanderbilt University, Assistant Professor of German Studies
Yasemin Altınay, Literarische Diverse Verlag, Literaturwissenschaftlerin & Verlegerin
Rafael Balling, Stanford University, PhD Candidate
Bradley Barr, Austin Community College, German-Texan Heritage Society, Goethe Institut, Adjunct Professor, Instructor, Program Coordinator
Andrea Capovilla, Ingeborg Bachmann Centre, Director
Anna Thach, Deutschlehrerin
Priska Komaromi, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Martina Wernli, Universität Mainz
Nathan Taylor, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germanist
Luka Peltzer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Research Assistant
Anneli Hernando Medrano, Leserin
Mareike Gronich, Universität Bielefeld
Clara Marx-Zakowski, FFT Dusseldorf / Die Vielen NRW
Ursula Dusch
Susanne Karow
Elena Ball, Bücherwurm
Philipp Zomer
Dunja Afsa, Student
Sebastian Rabsahl, Autor
Alexi Luca Lu
Sanne Kurz, Sprecherin für Kulturpolitik, Grüne Fraktion Landtag Bayern
Pegah Etessami Pour
Martina Wernli, Universität Mainz
Lena Sophie Voß, Studentin d Literaturwissenschaft
Deniz Burak Balpinar
Nora Lemjim, Studentin
Viviana Díaz de León Font
Viviana Font
Katharina Dehn
Imala Kutlu
Joseph Kebe-Nguema, Sorbonne University, PhD student
Josh Armstrong, Stanford University, Doctoral Candidate
Tripp Strawbridge, Kansas State University, Visiting Assistant Professor
Schayan Riaz, Freier Autor
Dr. Mariam Muwanga, Literaturwissenschaftlerin
Dilek Hanim Dal, Universität Kassel, PhD candidate in literary studies
Dagmar Ganßloser, Leserin
Ayumi Amama
Benno Hennig von Lange, Literaturhaus Frankfurt
Montse Díaz de León Font
Melani Schroeter University of Reading Associate Professor
Stefania Sbarra, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Associate Professor German Literature
Jay H., Schüler und Leser
Lisa Jeschke, Lyriker*in
Giulia Iannucci, Sapienza, University of Rome, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ally Klein, Schriftstellerin
Adela Horn, Leserin
Gerlinde Horn Leserin, Gernundvielleserin
Silke Horstkotte, Universität Leipzig
M.A. student and future editor
Kivi Henschel
Bill Donahue, Cavanaugh Professor of the Humanities, University of Notre Dame
Elena Krüger, Studentin der Germanistik
Claudi Feldhaus, Autorin
Nils Vogel
Dagmar Winkler Pegoraro, Studiosa Senior of German Language and Translation, University of Padua
Lucas Riddle, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Chicago
Siobhán Donovan, Head of German Section, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University College Dublin
Rebecca Papendieck, freie Lektorin

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