Downtown Sioux City Businesses and the Impact of COVID-19
We are seeking information from downtown business owners about the challenges they’re facing as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Please answer these questions as openly and honestly as you can. Your answers will help us understand the challenges businesses are facing, inform policymakers and philanthropists about needs stemming from this crisis, identify best practices in adapting to the new challenges we are all facing and to prepare for recovery.

Several questions were designed or used from surveys conducted by Main Street America and other downtown organizations across the nation. The results of this survey will only be presented in a collective form. All personal information and individual responses will be kept confidential.

This survey will be open for participation through 5pm on Friday, April 17th.

Updates and resources can be found on the Downtown Partners website and on our Facebook page
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Business Name *
What kind of business do you operate? *
How long has your business been in operation? *
How many people does your business employ? *
How many of your employees are at risk of unemployment and/or layoffs as a result of the coronavirus?
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How has your business revenue changed since COVID-19 became a widespread concern in early March 2020?
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If your business has an online sales component, approximately what portion of your overall revenue comes from online sales?
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How has COVID-19 affected your business? (Please check all that apply)
If business disruption continues at the current rate, how soon will your business be at risk of closing permanently?
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Have you applied for state/federal funding support for your business?
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How much total financial support did you apply for and/or receive?
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At this time, what are you most concerned about? (Please choose all that apply)
What types of assistance would be most helpful to your business? (Please check all that apply)
May we email/call you for a follow-up to this survey? *
What email address would you like us to use?
What phone number would you like us to use?
Any additional comments or suggestions as we prepare for recovery in downtown?
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