AltFL Knockout 2023
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Arizona Scorpions (0-3) @ Los Angeles Sabercats (1-2) *
Boston Nightriders (1-2) @ Chicago Cyclones (1-2) *
Carolina Reapers (0-3) @ Birmingham Vulcans (3-0) *
Dallas Bandits (3-0) @ Buffalo Bolts (3-0) *
Kentucky Stallions (1-2) @ Utah Raptors (2-1) *
Orlando Galactics (2-1) @ Seattle Steelheads (2-1) *
Philadelphia Brawlers (1-2) @ Minnesota Voyagers (0-3) *
Portland Grizzlies (1-2) @ Kansas City Scarecrows (1-2) *
St. Louis Explorers (2-1) @ New York Emperors (2-1) *
Tennessee Copperheads (3-0) @ San Diego Destroyers (1-2) *
TIEBREAKER: How many points will the highest scoring team score? *
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