SOCIOCRACY IN SCHOOLS  - Questionnaire for schools applying sociocracy

You are invited to participate in a research study in the framework of the Erasmus+ Project “Sociocracy in School” (SOCIS). The goal of this research study is to collect information about understanding and application of sociocracy in European schools. A brochure of the project is attached to this consent form, in order to give you a broader overview of the study. 

The study is being conducted by Martina Paone, representing the BOS school in Brussels, Werner Kratochwil and Florian Bauernfeind from the Soziokratie Zentrum in Vienna.

Participation in this questionnaire is voluntary and it will take approximately 20 - 40 minutes of your time. As a gift for those who fill the questionnaire thoughtfully, we would like to offer an online coaching of 30 minutes from the sociocratic expert Werner Kratochwil ( 

Your participation will help us learn more about the status of sociocracy in schools in Europe, the experiences (challenges and success stories) and the needs of every school.  The outcome of this study will be a Research Report, after which we will use the findings gathered to design a series of free online workshops about sociocracy in school. Therefore, by participating to this questionnaire you will also support your school and other European schools to benefit from the next stages of the SOCIS project!

Besides the Data protection questions at the beginning, you may skip any questions you don’t want to answer and you are invited to write down everything you find useful in the “comments and remarks” box at the end of the questionnaire.

If you have any questions about this study or if you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Martina Paone, project coordinator, at

By completing this questionnaire, you are consenting to participate in this study.

Many thanks that you take your time to participate!

NOTE: If you wish to complete the questionnaire for schools NOT applying sociocracy please follow this link

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Your identity (name and surname) will be in any case kept confidential to the full extent of the law. The questionnaire will only be read by the three researchers above mentioned.  Your information will be assigned a code number that is unique to this study. In order to process your data, please tick the box with your preference:
DATA PROTECTION - name of school *
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