iMaB Scholarship Application
Thanks for your interest in iMaB! Please take a moment to answer a couple questions, hit submit, and we will get back to you quickly! If you have questions or need to chat with someone immediately call 412-851-9642.
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Is the scholarship for you or someone else? *
If you are nominating someone else, who are you to them? (If NA leave blank.)
What is the first and last name of the scholarship recipient? *
All further questions will be about the scholarship recipient:  Age? *
Gender *
What level of physical support is needed to help this individual move? *
How do they communicate? *
Current level of movement? *
Is there a current diagnosis? If yes, please list. *
Any limitations or important information we should know about the health of mobility? *
Please name the groups, activities, organizations they currently participate in? *
What do they do currently when feelings stressed or anxious to feel better? *
How will the iMaB program benefit them? *
Why is financial support needed? *
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