Work with us - Professional Chess Coach in ChessTalentsFactory
Apply for a job at for being a Chess Coach.
We check the CVs sent here first when we need to hire new chess coaches.
We appreciate much the interest of all chess coaches to work in our project!

*Minimum requirements 
(don't apply if you don't meet the requirements, it would be automatically discarded):
-1900 FIDE Rating, experience teaching chess (via online) and a minimum level of English to interact properly with the students.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Name and last name *
2. Email *
3. Country *
4. City/State *
5. Date of Birth *
6. What's your level of Listening and speaking in English? *
7. What are your biggest successes as a chess coach? Specify the main achievements of your students. *
8. Current rating as player (over-the-board) *
9. Peak FIDE or National rating *
10. What's your experience teaching chess to beginners? *
11. What's your experience teaching chess lessons in groups? *
12. What's your experience teaching Online chess lessons? *
13. Have you trained your students via the Internet more than 10 times? *
14. Can you make invoices? *
15. Can you start working now? *
16. How many hours would you be available weekly to teach chess? *
17. Could you work at 3.30 pm PST to 7 pm PST? *
18. Could you work at 17h to 21h Madrid Time?
19. How much would you like to charge for recurrent chess lessons of 90 minutes (in dollars)? Specify a number. (We provide you all: the marketing, the tools, the methodology, the students, flexible schedule...) *
20. How did you learn about us and why would you like to work with us? *
21. Share a Youtube URL with a video of 1 min introducing yourself and explaining why you would like to work in ChessTalentsFactory.
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