Concert Archives' (Backstage Pass) Behind the Show Series - Interviewee
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We're looking for people who would like to be interviewed on Concert Archives' blog, Backstage Pass. You can view our previous interviews here: to get an idea of who we've interviewed so far, and the format of the interviews.

If you're interested in being interviewed, please fill out this form, and we'll be in touch if we think it'll be a good fit! This is an ongoing series, so we may not be in contact right away, but we hope to feature as many awesome people across a range of positions as possible.
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Your Name *
Best email address to get in touch *
What positions/work within the music industry have you held/done? What are some organizations/people/artists you've worked with? *
How long have you been in the industry?
Would you prefer a phone or email interview? *
Link to your LinkedIn/website:
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