Participate in iGEM for Beginners
This collaboration will aim to create a guide for beginning teams or those who have encountered trouble or problems within their existing team. Our experiences can help each other and a few teams may have repeated the same mistakes as our own. We can grow as a community if we share helpful experiences. If you are interested in participating in this activity, please complete the survey. We can then organize meetings to share anecdotes and useful tips.
Team name *
Country *
How many people from your team will be at the meeting? *
Do you prefer a meeting with other teams or personal meeting? *
On what date can we meet with your team? Consider as a maximum term August 28th. *
What time is the meeting convenient? Consider Bolivia's time zone GMT-4. *
How much time do you have for the meeting?
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What topics would you like to talk about at the meeting? You can select more than one and remember problems that you suffered throughout the competition and how they solved it.
Would you like to participate in the writing of this guide?
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