Simulcast Show Choice Week 3
We will be holding a simulcast hour from 9-10 pm in the side room (room 03-114) this week (April 23rd, 2022). This week's poll will be open to all members. All show choices are currently airing seasonals. The top two shows will be the winners. You can vote for multiple options, so don't hesitate to vote for any show you would like to see. I will close the poll Friday night at 10 pm so that everyone has time to see what shows will be shown on Saturday.

All shows can be found here:
If you have an episode you believe should have made this list, please send me a message (@scribe) so that I can check it out and potentially add it. I will not be adding anything in the Ecchi genre, so please don't ask.

Warning: As there may be no time to preview episodes before the Saturday meeting, there is a chance these shows may contain objectionable content. Please consider this before attending.
Choose as many as you like: *
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