2023-24 "Sound of Grizzly Pride" Marching Band REGISTRATON! - (Complete by Monday, May 22nd)
This is the OFFICIAL Registration Form for participation/membership in the 2023-24 Oak Grove "Sound of Grizzly Pride" Marching Band.  This form should also be used by those invited to join the Color Guard.
Please make sure to read and utilize the additional Parent/Booster Handbook and Financial Assistance Forms.
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Parent and Member Commitments

Member Commitment-

  • Completion of this form signifies that I understand the requirements to participate in the "Sound of Grizzly Pride" Marching Band. I pledge to give 100% to the success of our marching program for the 2023-24 season and follow all rules/guidelines given to me.

Parent Commitments-

Dues Commitment-

Completion of this form signifies the following:

  • I understand that maintaining my member’s band account is essential to the ability of the Band Boosters to pay for the Marching Band program, and

  • My member may not be allowed to participate in this extracurricular activity if his/her/their account(s) are not current.

  • That I understand the payment obligations for the "Fair Share" Dues Payment Plan I choose below (explained below and in the Band Parent/Booster Handbook)

  • I understand that our non-refundable deposit of $100 for the 2023-24 Marching Band Season must be paid by June 5, 2023, for my student to be included in the marching band show's first movement. 

  • If my member(s) dues from any previous season(s) have not been paid, I understand:

    • That I must pay these previous dues in full by June 5, 2023 or my student will not be able to participate in the 2023-24 Sound of Grizzly Pride Marching Season.

  • I understand that 2 of the “Fair Share” Dues Commitment Plans require volunteer activities as a part of my payment plan and if my volunteer credits are not earned, additional dues will be added to my student’s account at the end of the season that must be paid before future registration.

    • Standard Plan- 2 Volunteer Credits

    • Volunteer Plan - 5 Volunteer Credits

Fundraising Commitment-

  • Completion of this form signifies that I understand that Marching Band Dues only account for 40% of the cost to run our Marching Program and that my participation / payment of an opt-out fee is essential for all fundraisers completed by the band. 

Member and Parent Commitments-

Uniform Commitment Signatures-

  • Completion of this form signifies that I (we) understand and will abide by the rules set forth for proper care and maintenance of all uniform parts. 

  • I (We) understand that if school owned uniform parts (jacket, hat, gauntlets) are lost or permanently damaged, I (we) are responsible for the replacement costs. 

  • I (We) understand what uniform parts must be present at every performance and there are certain parts of the uniform I (we) are required to purchase (bibs, shoes, gloves, etc.)

Code of Conduct Signatures-

  • Completion of this form signifies that I (we) understand and will abide by the OGHS and DCS Student Handbooks. I (we) understand that if the member is placed on ISS/OSS, it may prevent them from being able to participate in practice and/or a performance. 

Calendar Signatures-

  • Completion of this form signifies that I (we) have reviewed the calendar of events and practices for the 2023-24 Marching Band season and acknowledge the importance of the members presence and participation at each of these events, practices and/or performances is integral to the success of the "Sound of Grizzly Pride" and I (we) are committed to participating at all events/practices/performances.

I have reviewed the tentative Marching Grizzly Calendar and parent/booster handbook and the student handbook (when provided). I understand mine and my child's responsibilities as members of the Oak Grove Marching Band / Band Boosters. I will encourage my child to honor their commitment to the Grizzly Band and give 100% towards reaching this year's goals. I (the parent) will support my child's musical development and decision to join the Sound of Grizzly Pride by attending Band Booster meetings, participating in fundraisers, and by attending football games / competitions. 

I understand I will choose my student's "fair share" dues payment schedule commitment choice below (explained in the handbook and below), and that any back fees and our non-refundable deposit of $100 must be paid by June 5, 2023, for my student to be included in the marching band show.

Lastly, I understand that dues only make up around 40% of the actual costs to the band boosters for my child to march; therefore, I agree that participation or paying a buy-out fee for ALL planned fundraisers to support my child and the Oak Grove "Sound of Grizzly Pride" Band Program is essential to the program's success.
By agreeing below, you commit to the Oak Grove Band Boosters to follow all terms set forth above for the 2023-24 Marching Season.
                Do you agree to the terms above?
Marching Band Registration / Booster Registration Participant Information
Students Name (First and Last) *
2nd Students Name (First and Last) if applicable:
3rd Students Name (First and Last) if applicable:
Parent Name (First and Last) *
Home Address *
Parent Email *
Student Email *
Parent Cell Phone *
Grade Level for Fall 2023 *
Anticipated Section within the Marching Band *
Will this be your FIRST season with the Marching Band? *
Marching Band Fee Commitments and Fair Share Obligations
This year, the boosters are completely changing our Marching Band Dues Payment Options and Amount. The  band program overall receives MINIMAL FUNDING from DCS; therefore, It is necessary for our boosters to collect fees for participation. These funds help cover the cost of band camp, instruments, extra staffing, music, charting, equipment, props, transportation, and other needs. 

Due to recent inflation, our expenses have been higher than usual, and our available funds are low.  We need to make adjustments in our fee amount/s to accommodate for growth and sustainment of our program's growing tradition of excellence and success. 

We are implementing a new "Fair Share" Dues Commitment Program for participating in the marching band where families can choose a payment option that best fits them and allow us to support your students. These options include a full price plan, as well as two separate options for reducing fees by participating in various volunteer activities that are completed by the band boosters. Credits that partially offset fees are earned by volunteering for a set number of activities (Pit Crew, Concession Stand, Band Night, Dewey's Store shift/s, Fundraiser Organization, Serving on our Booster Board). (***One of the volunteer activities must be working a shift at our Dewey's Holiday Store***). 

If more than one parent volunteer together in one activity, it counts as two activity credits. (Example: if both parents volunteer in the concession stand one night, that will fulfill two volunteer commitments; however, if the standard "fair share" plan is chosen, this family will still need to cover one Dewey's Holiday Store shift).

Student's that owe a balance on their band account from previous years must pay the balance in full in order to be eligible to enroll for the upcoming marching season. Families with demonstrated financial need may apply for financial aid to assist with their unpaid balance. 

Financial Assistance

Sponsorships are available through our booster organization for students who demonstrate financial need. No student should be discouraged from joining due to financial obligation; we will assist every family willing to contribute their "fair share". We recognize that Marching Band can put a financial strain on some families. We want everyone who wants to participate to be able. So that we understand financial needs and can assist all families who need it, communication is essential. All financial communications are completely confidential between the family in need and the Booster Board. Financial Aid/Sponsorship information is available by contacting a Booster Board member or Mr. Howell. Please fill out the Financial Aid or Sponsorship form as well. 
Financial Aid/Alternate Payment Arrangement Form (copy and paste into browser)

Sponsorship Application Form (copy and paste into browser)

***If you would like to contribute to our sponsorship funds that help students with financial challenges, please see a Booster Board member or a Band Director.***

Families with Two or More Students in Marching Band

Families with more than one student in the marching band program will receive a discount. 
  • Non-Refundable Deposit: $100 for the first student; $80 for each additional student.
  • Fair Share Payment totals: There is a 20% discount on all "fair share" dues for each additional student. Therefore, subsequent payment amounts will be $80 for each additional student.
  • Having more than one student in marching band will not increase volunteer activity requirements. Parents with more than one student will only have to fulfill up to 5 volunteer activities for the season depending on the "Fair Share" Dues Commitment they choose for their students. 
Payment Information

The Band Boosters accept a variety of payment forms including cash, check (made out to Oak Grove Band Boosters), square link, apple pay (in person only with square register), cash app (in person only with square register) (a convenience fee will apply to electronic fee payments).

Please note, dues totals will increase by $50.00 if your child plays a school owned instrument and should be paid at time of deposit which is due by June 5th.

Option 1: Convenience Plan (No Volunteer Commitment - adds $100 to fee amount to total $500).
Deposit of $100 + any back fees due by June 5th. $400 due at Band Camp Registration. Volunteering is still encouraged and Fundraiser Participation / Buy-Out is essential.
Option 2: Standard Plan (Requires 2 volunteer activities and allows for staggered payments to total $400).
Deposit of $100 + any back fees due by June 5th. $100 due at Band Camp Registration, $100 due September 1,2023, and $100 Due Oct 1, 2023. I must complete 2 volunteer activities during the fall semester (or $100 will be added to my dues and must be paid before registration for next marching season) and Fundraiser Participation / Buy-Out is essential.
Option 3: Volunteer Plan (Requires 5 volunteer activities and allows for staggered payments to total $300)
Deposit of $100 + any back fees due by June 5th. $100 due at Band Camp Registration, $100 due September 1, 2023. I must complete 5 volunteer activities during the fall semester (or $200 will be added to my dues and must be paid before registration for next marching season) and Fundraiser Participation / Buy-Out is essential.
Payment Plan Commitment Choice *
Once you have chosen a plan, you cannot change your selection for this marching season. Please note that if volunteer commitments are not completed, dues will be added to your child's account and must be paid before enrolling for the next season.
Non Refundable Dues Payment of $100 plus any back fees - Due June 5th
This is the 1st payment towards my "fair share" dues commitment plan. Checks can be made out to Oak Grove Band Boosters, cash, or you can use our square link (there will be a convenience fee). Please write your member(s) name(s) in the memo line to ensure the credit is given to your student's account. Student Statements with any remaining owed fees from previous years will be available at Marching Band Registration Night or can be requested by contacting our treasurer Tonya Cecil via email at:  oakgrovebandboosters@yahoo.com or contacting Mr. Howell.
Available Volunteer Activities
The following are volunteer opportunities you can participate in to fulfill your "Fair Share" Dues Committment Plan. We will be creating several sign-up genius links for you to sign up for your volunteer activities.

Band Night- 
Last year, we hosted for the first time Davidson County Band Night. This event is a mini-competition / exhibition for all of the Davidson County Marching Bands to showcase their field shows for one another and requires ALL HANDS ON DECK to be successful. Many times our students compete against various bands from our county; however, they rarely get the opportunity to watch and cheer on their Davidson County band peers. This night gives them and family members an opportunity to support each other and the arts in the Davidson County Schools. Volunteering on Band Night allows you to earn 1 Volunteer Activity Credit towards your Dues Commitment. There are many volunteer opportunities for this event including- Concessions, Admission, Janitorial Duties, Pit Crew duties, Vendor duties for apparel/Grizzly Grams/etc. We will create a sign-up genius for this event that will be shared soon. 

Football Concessions - 
Each year, the band boosters operate the concession stand on the visitor side of our Football Stadium for all home football games (JV and Varsity). We need a minimum of 4 volunteers for each game to prep food, take payments, serve guests. We have a new square register this year and will be able to take more forms of payment including apple pay and cash-app! All football game concession stand evenings will be on the volunteer sign-up genius. (All concession volunteers must wear a hair net or hat while in the concession stand). Volunteering in the Concession Stand allows you to earn 1 Volunteer Activity Credit towards your Dues Commitment per shift. 

Pit Crew-
Our marching band parent Pit Crew is one of the most essential parts to getting our band on and off the field after each performance. Being a member of the Pit Crew is a larger commitment as it requires the same group of people to work together for each and every performance to assure the props are placed correctly and the pit percussion equipment gets on and off the field efficiently. This is a group of 10-20 parents/supporters that orchestrate loading and unloading equipment and taking equipment and props onto and off of the field before and after performances. Volunteering to be a Pit-crew member and helping at all events will allow you to earn 3 Volunteer Activity Credits at the end of the season. 

Dewey's Store-
Each Christmas Season, from early-Mid November through December 24th, our Band Booster organization has operated a Dewey's partner store in our area as our largest fundraiser. This year, we will have a mandatory meeting a week or two before the store opens to provide a brief training and explain how to run the store. There is also a notebook kept at the store with instructions on how to run each shift and band booster board members available for questions throughout the time the store is open if necessary. This activity is easy and fun! Our store hours this coming season will be 12:00PM-8:00PM Sunday-Friday with two 4-hour shifts each day (12-4PM, 4-8PM) and 8:00AM-8:00PM (8AM-12PM, 12-4PM, 4-8PM). Volunteering to work in the Dewey's Store allows you to earn 1 Volunteer Activity Credit towards your Dues Commitment per shift. (One Volunteer Activity Credit must be working a shift in the Dewey's Store).

Fundraising Organization-
Every year, our Band Boosters and Band Students run multiple fundraisers to earn the additional funds needed to run a successful marching band and multiple concert band/wind ensembles. Remember that our Marching Band Dues/fees only cover about 40% of our operating costs, therefore, conducting fundraisers is necessary and parent/member participation is essential. We typically do fundraisers at the following times each year: a Marching Band Camp fundraiser, a mid-fall fundraiser, the Dewey's Holiday Store, a winter/early spring fundraiser and sometimes a mid-late spring fundraiser depending on need and the success of our other fundraising efforts. Organizing a fundraiser requires you to become a contact person for the band boosters along with the fundraising chairperson for the company we are completing the fundraiser through. It also requires scheduling all dates for the fundraiser (start/stop/delivery) (with the help/input of the chairperson and band directors), helping create the letter that will be sent home with students, what rewards will be available for student participation, gathering order forms and monies from the band directors, entering or completing orders with the Fundraising company and organizing disbursement of goods if needed. The Fundraising chairperson will be there to assist you every step of the way and help be the liaison between you, the directors, and the fundraising companies. Volunteering to organize one of our fundraisers will allow you to earn 2 Volunteer Activity Credits towards your Dues Commitment. 

Serving on our Band Booster Board-
Getting involved with the Band Boosters to help support your student in their activities shows them how invested you are in them and what they are doing. Being a part of the Boosters and serving in a Board position allows you opportunities to spend additional time with your student and the other amazing students that are a part of our Band Programs. Our board is like our band family, and we all enjoy the time we spend together to ensure the success of the Oak Grove Bands from both the Middle and High School. Our Band Booster Board members are present and active at almost all of our band activities. Our Band Booster Board currently has the following positions/responsibilities:
Preside at all Board and General Membership meetings. Prepares meeting agendas. Unofficial member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. Signs or approves all contracts on behalf of the organization. Shall keep all contracts on file for the current and the preceding three years. Performs other duties as indicated to the office. Updates the Band Booster Facebook page and Band App as necessary.
Vice President-
Acts as Chairperson for the Transportation Committee and may appoint Transportation Coordinator(s). Preside at all Board and General Membership meetings in the absence of the President. Performs other duties as indicated to the office of the President in the absence of that director, or disability of the President. Ensure that all band volunteers are registered and approved through Davidson County Public School System. Handles special projects assigned by the Band Director or President.
Keeps accurate records of receipts and disbursements. Provides financial report for all Board and General Membership meetings. Prepares projected annual budget for the Board to recommend to the membership for approval. Reports delinquent dues/fees to the President and Vice President. Maintains accurate records of student accounts. Prepares required tax forms. Shall keep all financial records for this organization for the preceding seven years. Prepare cash boxes for any events where money will be collected and change may be required. 
Acts as chairperson of the Communications Committee. Records minutes, attendance, decisions and actions at all Board and General Membership meetings. Publishes minutes of all General Membership meetings on the website. Maintains Band Booster website and Facebook page. Updates the Band App. Conducts formal Correspondence. Informs and updates members of schedules and schedule changes. Maintains roster and registration paperwork. Creates Sign-Up Genius for volunteer activities.
Fundraising Director-
Acts as chairperson of the Fundraising Committee. Helps to plan, coordinate, organize, and operate all fundraising activities for the Oak Grove Band Programs and the Oak Grove Band Boosters. Updates the Band Booster Facebook page and Band App as necessary for fundraising activities. Attends all Band Booster and Board Meetings throughout the year. Discretion to appoint individuals to organize and administer each fundraiser.
Middle School Liaison-
This position is for a middle school parent to sit in on Band Booster Board Meetings and Band Booster Meetings to serve as a liaison for the Middle School Parents in our Band Booster Organization. You may assist with collaboration with Mr. Liner for Middle School Band needs for the board to consider and to distribute fundraising materials to Mr. Liner for the Middle School Band Students. 
Serving in a Band Booster Board Member Role allows you to earn 5 Volunteer Activity Credits towards your Dues Commitment. 
I understand the "Fair Share" Dues Commitment Options and the Various Volunteer Activities available to fulfill Volunteer Requirements that reduce my student's  "Fair Share" Dues.  *
You can pay your deposit using any of these methods, please choose one. *
Extra Grizzly Band Apparel and Spirit Gear for Parents and Supporters
Parent / Extra Show Theme T-Shirt(s)
Extra show shirts for students, family and friends are encouraged, but NOT required. Students receive ONE shirt per season (included in dues). Family and friends of the Sound of Grizzly Pride can wear show shirts of our theme at football games and competitions to show their support. Extra shirts are $15.00 per shirt.
Parent / Extra Blue Grizzly Band T-Shirt(s)
Extra blue Grizzly Band shirts for students, family and friends are encouraged, but NOT required. Students receive ONE shirt per season (included in dues). Family, friends, and supporters of the Sound of Grizzly Pride can wear blue Grizzly Band shirts at football games and competitions to show their support. Extra shirts are $10 per shirt.
Do you want to order Grizzly Spirit Gear? *
Extra Blue Grizzly Band Shirt (Size / Quantity Requested)
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Extra Show Theme Shirt (Size / Quantity Requested)
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